Unit 20
Hair loss crisis
Overseas Life/Medical Health
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Have you ever suffered hair loss? Tell your teacher your experience about it.
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. thinner (n.) 更薄的,更稀少的(thin的比較級)
Oh no! My hair is getting thinner!
2. strands (n.) 條,根,縷
A rope of three strands.
3. scalp (n.) 頭皮
My scalp is also getting drier each day.
4. heredity (n.) 遺傳
Your heredity can also cause hair loss.
5. genetics (n.) 遺傳學
Genetics plays an important role too.
6. ultraviolet rays (phr.) 紫外線
Ultraviolet rays also harms your scalp.
7. freak out (n.) 嚇壞了
Do not freak out, I have something to tell you.
8. transplant (v.) 移植
My grandfather needed a kidney transplant.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Will, I feel like my hair has been getting thinner lately.

Looks fine to me. But many people do start experiencing hair loss at our age.
我覺得還好啊。 但是,很多我們這個年齡段的人確實開始脫髮了。

When I woke up this morning, I found a few strands of hair on my pillow.

That’s nothing. The human scalp tends to lose 50 to 200 strands each day. Our hair is in a constant cycle of growth, rest and renewal.
沒事的。 人一天差不多會掉50到200根頭髮。 我們的頭髮一直處於不斷生長、休止和再生的迴圈中。

I don’t know. After all, my father is bald. Maybe my heredity is finally catching up to me.
我不太懂這些。 畢竟我爸爸脫髮。 也許遺傳因素終於還是開始起作用了。作用。

Well, if you are going bald, genetics is just one potential factor. Constant stress and an improper diet can also trigger hair loss.
好吧,如果你開始脫髮,遺傳只是一個潛在因素。 持續的壓力和不當的飲食也會導致脫髮。

Maybe that’s it. Or maybe I’ve gotten too much exposure to ultraviolet rays. Why did I go to the beach last summer!
可能是吧。 也有可能是我太多時間暴露在紫外線下了。 我為什麼去年夏天要去海灘!

OK, let’s not freak out here, Brendan. There’s still a lot you can do to keep a full head of hair. Maybe you could try a hair restoration product.
好吧,先別慌,Brendan。 有很多方法可以保護頭髮。 你可以試試頭髮修復的產品。

Laser therapy and hair transplant surgery are popular these days.

Yeah, you could go that route. Or, wait a minute, did you get a perm recently?
是的,你也可以考慮一下。 等會兒,你最近有燙髮嗎?

Yeah, so what?

I think we might have our answer.
Catch up to
You might have learned that “to catch up to someone or something” means to reach an equal level, status or point of progress. For example, “It will be a long while yet before I catch up to Mark’s level. “
But in today’s dialogue, “catch up to someone” refers to the moment when a person experiences the negative consequences of an innate or biological problem or prolonged behavior. We frequently use it for things such as age. For instance, “I can’t run as fast as I could before. I think my age is finally catching up to me.” Likewise, in the dialogue, Brendan said, “Maybe my heredity is finally catching up to me.” Here he means that he’s finally experiencing the negative problems that he’s inherited from his parents: baldness.
Note that you can also use the preposition “with.” “If you smoke a pack a day, it will eventually catch up with you.”
1. All that drinking is going to catch up to you sooner or later.
2. Just wait until karma catches up to you.
3. You might be perfectly fine with working overtime now, but all those hours will eventually catch up with you and cause you to burn out.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What do you think causes hair loss? How can you solve it?