Unit 21
Charming Cities: Vancouver
Travel Abroad/Travel strategy
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Have you ever heard about the place Vancouver? What can you imagine when you hear about that place?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. vistas (n.) 美景
The natural vistas are so wonderful.
2. multicultural (adj.) 多元文化的
Vancouver accepts multicultural traditions.
3. reflected (v.) 體現
Your face is reflected in the mirror.
4. array (v.) 各種,大量
The ball showcased an array of unique clothes.
5. totem poles (n.) (加拿大、美國北部西海岸美洲土著人的)圖騰柱
Have you ever seen totem poles?
6. eclectic (adj.) 兼收並蓄的,博采眾長的
Wow! Your tastes are so eclectic.
7. open-minded (adj.) 開明的,開通的;心胸開闊的
Be open-minded when you are with him.
8. stereotyped (adj.) 對…形成模式化的看法;對…有成見
We cannot allow you to pass, as the conclusions reached in your dissertation were too stereotyped.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Thanks for showing me around Vancouver, George. The natural vistas are breathtaking.
George,謝謝你帶我參觀溫哥華。 這裡的自然美景真令人歎為觀止。

My pleasure. Culture-wise it’s a great place too. This city has strong multicultural roots which are really woven into our society.
不客氣。 從文化角度來說,溫哥華也是個好地方。 這座城市有著深厚的多元文化根基,並且已經融入了我們社會的方方面面。

It’s really reflected in everything from the vast array of restaurants to the totem poles representing indigenous culture.

Yup. Vancouverites are a very eclectic mix of people and everyone is very open-minded and welcoming.
是的。 溫哥華人是一個非常兼收並蓄的群體,大家都思想開明、熱情友好。

No wonder people always talk about the livability being so high here.

It’s true. And with all the fresh mountain air and with the ocean teeming with life, what’s not to love?
是這樣的。 這裡山間空氣清新,海洋充滿生機,又有什麼理由不愛這座城市呢?

Good point. It seems like Vancouverites love doing outdoor activities, too. I saw people doing yoga on the beach earlier!
有道理。 溫哥華人好像也喜歡做戶外活動。 之前我看到有人在海灘上做瑜伽!

Ha! It’s no surprise we’re always stereotyped as being eco-friendly hippies.
哈哈! 也難怪我們總是被打上環保嬉皮士的標籤了。

Well, there is some truth to it. This is the birthplace of Lululemon and Greenpeace after all.
嗯,是有些道理。 畢竟,這裡是瑜伽服裝品牌”Lululemon”和綠色和平組織的誕生地。

True. Well, for tomorrow, I say we feast on some fresh seafood on Granville Island.
沒錯。 明天我們去格蘭維爾島吃一頓新鮮的海鮮吧。

Ooh! Sign me up!
啊! 算我一個!
Noun + -wise
The suffix “-wise” can be used for many different purposes. We see it in the words “lengthwise” or “clockwise,” in which case it means “in the direction of.” In this lesson, however, it means “concerning” or “as for.” When it has this meaning, we use a hyphen to attach it to the noun, and it forms an adjective or adverb.
For example, in the dialogue, we see the sentence “Culture-wise, it‘s a great place too.” This means that Vancouver is also great regarding its culture.
A common scenario is when someone asks us how we’re doing. We might reply by saying, “Work-wise my life is good, but money-wise, I’m having trouble.” This means that work is going well, but there are some financial problems.
1. This project hasn’t cost me much money, but time-wise, I’ve invested a lot into it.
2. My girlfriend is pretty responsible, but money-wise, she has no control.
3. There are lots of flights you can catch, but this one is your best option price-wise.
4. _______________________________________________________________________.
5. _______________________________________________________________________.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What would you do if you can explore Vancouver in one week? Where would you go?