Unit 06
How will driverless cars change our lives?

New Knowledge/Fun Science


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

How many years will you think will the drive less cars will be used?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. autonomous vehicles (phr.) 自動駕駛汽車
Autonomous vehicles will be the future.

2. regulatory hurdles (phr.) 監管上的阻礙
The car needs to pass the regulatory hurdles.

3. assuage (v.) 緩和,減輕,平息
Solar cars will maybe put an assuage to population.

4. misgivings  (n.) (對未來事件的)疑慮,擔憂
Many people have expressed misgivings about his ability to do the job

5. societal benefits (phr.) 社會效益
Do you think there will be societal benefits?

6. innumerable (adj.) 無數的
Cars are innumerable these days.

7. unforeseen (adj.) 未預見到的,意料之外的
The car crash was unforeseen.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Did you read that AutoX has been testing autonomous vehicles in Shenzhen?

Yeah, seems like all of the big boys like Alibaba, Google, and Tesla are backing one AV startup or another.

So I wonder whose tech is going to win out in the end.

The tech is only one piece of the puzzle. The company that wins this race will also need to clear regulatory hurdles and assuage public misgivings.

Well I, for one, think the societal benefits of driverless cars will be innumerable: fewer accidents, less congestion, all while making us more productive.

Do we know there will be fewer accidents? What if something unforeseen happens that causes the network to go down?

I’m sure there will be multiple safety layers and system-wide protection. Ultimately though, the system’s vresponse time will be faster than an individual’s.

I wish I could be more sanguine about all of this, but the knock-on effects in both the economy and society are going to be massive.

You mean all of the unemployed taxi drivers and delivery guys?

Exactly, not to mention all of the downsizing of insurance salesmen and mechanics.

It’s definitely going to be a sea change. I’m just relieved that I won’t have to take my driver’s test!


I, for one

In today’s dialogue, we see the sentence “I, for one, think the societal benefits of driverless cars will be

innumerable.” We can use the short phrase “for one” after a subject pronoun to add emphasis to our opinions.

As to what the words actually mean, there is some debate about that. Some believe that this “for one”

indicates that you alone hold this position, while others believe that “for one” indicates that you are not alone; that you are one among others.

Of course, you can also use these words with other subject pronouns, like he/she, or even we. You’ll often see these words wrapped in commas, but if you don’t use them, it’s not the end of the world!

1. I, for one, welcome this new change of policy. We’ve been too sloppy for too long.

2. She, for one, thinks that the new advertising campaign is distasteful.

3. I, for one, refuse to believe that he is acting in the best interest of the company.

4. _______________________________________________________________________.


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.How do you think you can preserve fading festival traditions?