Unit 05
Book series: Frankenstein
New Knowledge/Reading Knowledge
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Are you familiar with “Frankenstein”? What have you heard about him?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. misconception (n.) 誤解,錯誤的想法
When will you clear the misconceptions about me?
2. sapient (adj.) 聰明的,會思考的
The chemist creates a sapient being.
3. wreaking havoc (idi.) 造成巨大破壞
The tornado is wrecking havoc to the town.
4. Gothic (adj.) 哥特風格的
Sheila likes to wear gothic dresses.
5. cautionary tale (phr.) 警世故事
I am saying this to you, as a cautionary tale.
6. inherent (adj.) 內在的;固有的,與生俱來的
There are dangers inherent in science.
7. byword (n.) 代名詞
He said it as a byword.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

In 1816, a teenager from London named Mary Shelley started drafting the founding text of modern science fiction. Two years later, Frankenstein was born.
Contrary to a popular misconception, Frankenstein is not the monster. It’s the name of the chemist who creates the sapient being, and later rejects him upon seeing how hideous he is.
Shattered by this unjust treatment, the monster seeks revenge by wreaking havoc on Victor’s world, killing everyone he loves.
The chilling novel helped pioneer the Gothic genre with its dark and mysterious theme. It also serves as a cautionary tale of the inherent dangers in pushing the boundaries of science.

Among its many legacies, “Frankenstein” has also entered the English Language as a byword for hubris and anything that becomes dangerous to its creator.
Perhaps more than ever, the book begs to be revisited as technology develops at an unrelenting speed.
Its examination into unchecked scientific progress is imperative for us who have to live with the unintended consequences of mankind’s pursuit for knowledge and power.
contrary to
The phrase “contrary to” expresses that something is in fact the opposite of what is commonly believed or expected. For instance, in today’s monologue, the speaker says, “Contrary to a popular misconception, Frankenstein is not the monster. It’s the name of the chemist.“
Likewise, it’s a common misconception that the sentence “It’s alive” comes from the novel Frankenstein, when in fact it comes from a later movie adaptation. So, we could say, “Contrary to popular belief, the well-known quote “It’s alive!” comes from one of the Frankenstein films, not the novel.“
Note that there are many common collocations for “contrary to”:
•Contrary to a common misconception
•Contrary to popular belief
•Contrary to popular thinking
•Contrary to conventional wisdom
•Contrary to public opinion
1.Contrary to popular belief, shaving does not, in fact, make your hair grow back thicker.
2.Contrary to popular thinking, dark roast coffee actually has less caffeine than light roast.
3.Contrary to conventional wisdom, some scientists now say that population density is not a primary factor in the spread of this virus.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Will you be afraid if you can see Frankenstein at this day and age? Why or why will you not be afraid?