Unit 04
Generation X
New Knowledge/Fun Science
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What age do you think are the people who are labeled as Generation X?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. geriatric (n.) 老年的;年老體弱的
Eden is a Geriatric Psychologist.
2. bewildering (adj.) 使人困惑的
Life is bewildering number of possibilities.
3. cohorts (n.) 有共同特點(通常指年齡)的一群人
Trump has a cohort of aggressive supporters.
4. delineated (adj.) 描述
Deserts have sharply delineated microenvironments.
5. fend for yourselves (phr.) 照顧自己,自謀生計
You will fend for yourselves at the deserts.
6. cynical (n.) 超然;淡漠
He’s cynical about her motives.
7. detachment (n.) 超然;淡漠
He was unable to examine the issue with detachment.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hey, Elliot. You’re a baby boomer, right?

Heck no! Do I look geriatric to you?

Well, I know you’re too long in the tooth to be a Millennial. So what are you, then?

I’m a part of Generation X: “the neglected middle child of America” born between 1965 and 1980.

X, Y, Z, all these letters are so bewildering! In China our cohorts usually just get delineated by the decade: 80s kids, 90s kids, and so on.

We’ve had other names too. We were once called “the latchkey generation” because of the minimal adult supervision we had growing up.

Sounds like you guys had to fend for yourselves in a lot of ways.

Bingo. We also grew up in a world that was postmodern and cynical, so we’re known for our irony and detachment, especially to authority.

So is everyone in your generation a cynical slacker then?

Of course not! We gave the world Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, for Pete’s sake!
當然不是了!拜託,我們這一代可是出了Elon Musk和Jeff Bezos這樣的人物!

Sounds like you’re pretty proud to be a GenXer.

I am! On the whole, we’ve had a saner work-life balance than the Boomers did, and we have a better technological balance than Millennials ever will.
Tooth idioms
In today’s lesson, we hear the expression “long in the tooth,” meaning “elderly.” Since just about everyone on the planet either has teeth or once had them, it should come as no surprise that many English idioms are tooth-related. Let’s take a look at a few more.
•Fight tooth and nail: to fight with all one’s energy.
•An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth: a person who causes another person to suffer should suffer in an equal amount as retribution (often shortened to “an eye for an eye”)
•Like pulling teeth: refers to something that is very difficult to do.
•Lie through one’s teeth: when someone lies intentionally.
1.Our dog is getting a bit long in the tooth, so we need to change his diet.
2.He hit me, so I should be allowed to hit him back. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
3.Taking the college entrance exam was like pulling teeth.
4.I can’t believe he can stand there in front of everyone and lie through his teeth like that.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What generation do you belong to? What are the disadvantages that you have observed, as a person who is from that generation?