Unit 07
Great scientists: Alan Turing
New Knowledge/Self-Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Do you know Alan Turing? What do you think is he known about? Take a guess!
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. Enigma (n.) 英格瑪(密碼);謎,令人費解的事物
The enigma code makes my head hurt.
密碼使我頭好痛 。
2. lauded (v.) 讚美,讚頌
He was lauded for his accomplishments.
3. tortured (n.) 受苦的,受難的
She is being tortured for information.
4. deciphering (v.) 破譯,破解
John is good at deciphering codes.
5. encrypted (v.) 加密的
The file is encrypted so it is safe.
6. seminal (adj.) 具有開拓性的,有深遠影響的
Alan was also a seminal figure in AI.
7. encapsulated (adj.) 概括,壓縮
Have you seen an encapsulated water bacteria?
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Andy, I just watched The Imitation Game. I didn’t realize the British mathematician Alan Turing had such a huge impact on history.

Yeah, Turing’s machine helped crack the Enigma code, and the invention was lauded as a stroke of genius that shortened WWII by 2 years. But like many brilliant minds, he was a tortured genius.

Indeed. But he had so many scientific achievements, from deciphering encrypted messages to pioneering artificial intelligence.

Really? I only knew him as a codebreaker. I didn’t know he was also a seminal figure in AI.

Yeah, he also invented a device that encapsulated the core principles of modern computers and is essentially the progenitor of modern computing.

Since you’re so well versed in Turing now, what exactly is the “Turing Test”?

It’s a test of a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, that of a human.

So Turing wanted to prove that machines could think?

Yes, albeit differently. But it was accepted as a test for sentience, and it was a major landmark in AI.

Fascinating! Well, I knew that his accomplishments were indelible, but now I fully understand why!
Stroke of genius
“A stroke of genius” is an idiom that means a brilliant idea or decision. For instance, in today’s lesson, the speaker says, “The invention was lauded as a stroke of genius that shortened WWII by two years.” As you can see, this phrase is frequently used in reference to sudden mental insights that solve problems.
To help you remember the phrase, think of a brilliant idea that suddenly strikes (or hits) a person much like a stroke of lightning.
However, the phrase “stroke of + noun” is not limited to genius. We can also say, “a stroke of fortune/luck” or “a stroke of madness.”
1.By a remarkable stroke of luck, she was unscathed by the 20-foot fall.
2.The 24-hour sale was a stroke of marketing genius that increased their sales tenfold.
3.His behavior seems so strange and unaccountable that it seemed to have sprung from a sudden stroke of madness.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.If you could be a great scientist in the time of the great scientists, what would you hope to invent?