Unit 29
Animal rights
Overseas Life/Cultural Integration
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you know about animal rights?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. factory farming (n.) 工廠化養殖
Many animals are born through factory farming.
2. humane (adj.) 人道的,仁慈的
He’s one of the most humane people I have ever worked with.
3. slaughtering (n.) 屠宰
Global warming is also slaughtering species.
4. concocted (v.) 編造,捏造
Rare species are being concocted each day.
5. elusive (adj.) 難以表述的
He remained as elusive as ever.
6. hardcore (adj.) 硬核的
Marc is a hardcore vegan.
7. activist (n.) 激進分子
As a democracy activist, he often voices his protests on the street
8. sphere (n.) 範圍,領域
Earth is just a big sphere.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hey Dean, what made you decide to go vegan?

I hated knowing that I was adding to the systematic suffering and exploitation of animals.

Factory farming is one thing, but what about the meat that has been prepared in a humane way?

There’s nothing humane about slaughtering animals; no matter how it’s done, Oliver.

OK, I take it you believe animals still lack legal protection. So what are your thoughts about the Animal Welfare Act?
好吧,我想你認為動物仍然缺乏法律保護。 那你對《動物福利法案》有什麼看法呢?

It’s merely a set of loose guidelines concocted by speciesist lawmakers. It fails to truly protect defenseless animals. Furthermore, it only applies to the US.
那只是一套由物種歧視立法者編造的寬鬆準則,並不能真正保護無助的動物。 此外,它只適用於美國。

Wow, you sound like a hardcore animal rights activist. Animal rights are indeed a global matter, but you have to start somewhere. Right?
哇,你聽起來像個硬核的保護動物權益積極分子。 動物權益確實是一個全球性的問題,但必須從某個地區先開始,對嗎?

Honestly, America is lagging behind in this sphere. Currently, 32 other countries worldwide formally recognize non-human animal sentience.
老實說,美國在這一領域落後了。 目前,世界上有32個其他國家正式承認非人類的動物感知能力。

Come again?

Basically, animal consciousness. Though defining consciousness remains elusive, it’s clear that animals have the capacity for suffering like you and I.
基本上就是動物意識。 雖然”意識”很難被定義,但很明顯,動物能夠像你我一樣感受到痛苦。

I agree with you there. My dog is definitely capable of a wide range of emotions.
我同意你說的這一點。 我的狗確實能感受到各種各樣的情緒。

Yeah, therefore they shouldn’t be treated unjustly. And so the fight for anti-cruelty laws rages on.
是的,所以動物們不應該受到不公正的對待。 也因此,為施行反虐待動物法進行的鬥爭仍在繼續。
I hated knowing that…
“I hate knowing that” is a phrase we use to express our discomfort or dislike for a particular fact. For example, in today‘s lesson, the speaker says, “I hated knowing that I was adding to the systematic suffering and exploitation of animals.” In this case, the speaker knew that he was adding to the suffering of animals and, because he disliked this fact, decided to change his habits.
Likewise, we can use the opposite phrase “I like knowing that” to express knowledge that we like having. For instance, “I liked knowing that I could get support if I needed it.”
1. I hated knowing that he’d moved on and was seeing other women.
2. They hated knowing that they were part of the problem and not the solution.
3. Sandra liked knowing that her money was being put to good use.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What are the things you can do to promote Animal rights in your country?