Unit 23
Relocating for work
Workplace English/Career Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Have you ever experienced moving in a new place? How was your moving experience?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. relocate (v.)(通常工作原因)搬
Where will you relocate?
2. asset (n.) 資產
I would settle my assets before moving.
3. proposition (n.) 提議
The students discussed the proposition that man is basically good.
4. furnished (adj.) 精裝修的
The condo is already furnished. Just add your personal touches.
5. superb (adj.) 豪華的
The queen’s jewels are superb.
6. certified (adj.) 具有資質的
The painting has been certified as being genuine.
7. have a say in (adj.) 有發言權
I have a say in my living arrangements!
8. outweigh (v.) 遠優於..
The pros definitely outweigh the cons.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Harold, we’ve been really impressed by your work with our partners in Brazil… so much so that the board would like to offer you the role of Regional Director of Latin America. It’s an amazing opportunity for your career. However, you would need to relocate…
Harold,我們對你和我們巴西合作夥伴的工作刮目相看… 所以董事會決定提拔你為拉丁美洲地區的地區總裁。 這是你事業的絕佳機會。 不過,你得外派到那邊去工作…

Umm… Okay.
呃… 好吧。

We really believe that your experience with working in Brazil and your ease with Portuguese will make you a great asset there.

There are a number of questions I have before I even consider this proposition. How long is my contract?

We’ll need you there for five years, perhaps longer.

What about my family?

We’re aware of your family. The company will pay for a fully furnished house with enough rooms to accommodate your family. You’ll also have a full-time maid.
我們意識到了你的家人這個問題。 公司會為你提供一個精裝修房,房間也足夠你的家人居住。 你還會有一個全職保姆。

Will we still receive company health insurance and dental?

Yes, but your provider will change. You’ll be set up with a superb dental and health insurance plan when you arrive.
會的,但是你的保險公司不是同一家了。 你到了之後會有超星級牙醫和健康保險。

What about my children’s schooling?

Your children will be enrolled in one of the best international schools in all of Brazil. All the teachers are certified and have master’s degrees.
你的孩子將被安排在巴西一所最好的國際學校。 所有的老師都是具有碩士學位的。

Do I have a say in which school my children attend?

Of course! Our relocated employees are provided with relocation consultants. The relocation company we work with is one of the best. They have award-winning service and they’ll give an extensive selection of topnotch schools in Brazil.
當然有! 我們的外派員工都有安居顧問諮詢。 和我們合作的外派公司是最好的一家之一。 他們的服務獲過獎,他們也會列一張巴西最好的學校名單出來。

How does the visa procedure work? Does my family get their visas taken care of as well?
我的簽證辦理程式是怎樣的? 我家人的簽證也可以幫忙辦理嗎?

We won’t get into the specifics of the visa procedure right now; however, we will be working with a visa agency. Also, your family will get their visas sponsored.
In all honesty, Harold we are offering you a competitive package. The benefits truly outweigh whatever reservations you might have. Don’t miss the boat on an opportunity like this.
老實說,Harold,我們給你提供的是很有競爭力的薪酬福利。 福利遠遠高於其他招聘者。 千萬不要錯過這千載難逢的好時機啊。

How does the visa procedure work? Does my family get their visas taken care of as well?
我的簽證辦理程式是怎樣的? 我家人的簽證也可以幫忙辦理嗎?

We won’t get into the specifics of the visa procedure right now; however, we will be working with a visa agency. Also, your family will get their visas sponsored.
In all honesty, Harold we are offering you a competitive package. The benefits truly outweigh whatever reservations you might have. Don’t miss the boat on an opportunity like this.
This is a chance to fast track your career, since you are being sent to an emerging market. And you’ll have the opportunity for career advancements, since we are offering you a higher-ranking position.
我們現在還不會談到具體的簽證種類;但是我們和一家簽證公司有合作。 而且你家人的簽證也可以辦理。
老實說,Harold,我們給你提供的是很有競爭力的薪酬福利。 福利遠遠高於其他招聘者。 千萬不要錯過這千載難逢的好時機啊。
這是你事業加速進步的好機會,因為你要到新興市場去。 而且對你的事業也大有好處,因為我們給你的是一個高級職位。

Well, I’ll definitely have to sleep on it and ask you more questions tomorrow.
Would is an auxiliary verb, also known as a modal verb. Would is primarily used to talk about the past, talk about the future in the past, and express the conditional mood. Would is also used to express desire, polite requests or questions, opinions or hope, and a wish as well as regret. In the dialogue see would used with like to. Example from the dialogue:
“So much so that the board would like to offer you the role of Latin America Regional Director.”
“The board is offering Harold something and they are using would like to in order to sound polite.”
1. We would like to offer you a new position.
2. I would like to congratulate Julie for all her hard work.
3. I would like to give a toast to Jeff!
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What are the things that you will bring or not bring when you are moving to a new place?