Unit 24
Firing an employee
Workplace English/Career Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Do you think it is easy to fire an employee? What do you think would the employer feel after firing an employee?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. letting someone go (phr.) 解僱某人
It is hard letting someone you love go.
2. terminate (v.) 終結
I am sorry but we will terminate your contract.
3. performance reviews (phr.) 績效考核
Can I see my performance reviews?
4. adjustment (n.) 適應
Can you make an adjustment in my salary?
5. severance package (n.) 遣散費
We will give you your severance package.
6. accrued (adj.) 累積
I’d like my money returned with accrued interest.
7. tie up the loose ends (n.) 辦完零碎的事情
I have to tie up the loose ends in my job.
8. exit interview (n.) 離職面試
How was your exit interview?
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Kyle, I’m sorry to have to tell you that we’re letting you go. Your last performance reviews have not been up to par, and we feel that you’re just not a good fit for this position. Your employment will terminate at the end of the month.
Kyle,很抱歉我們要通知你我們要解僱你了。 你最後一次的績效考核並沒有達到應有的水平,我們覺得你可能不太適 合這個職位。 你的合同到本月底就要終止了。

You can’t be serious! I’ve been working really hard lately. Yesterday, I even stayed overtime to go over the Richter account. I can’t believe this is happening!
你開什麼玩笑! 我最近一直很努力在工作,昨天我還因為Richter的帳戶的事情加班了呢。 真不敢相信你們這麼做!

I understand that you feel that way, but the decision is final.

You know, I’ve handed in all my reports on time, and I’ve made a lot of effort to fit in here. It’s just not fair!
你知道的,我所有的報告都按時提交,為了融入這裡我也做了很多努力。 這太不公平了!

I know that moving into our department last year has been a difficult adjustment for you. We just haven’t seen you put as much effort as we would have liked into becoming part of our team. We do appreciate your years of service, and will be giving you a severance package. Your final paycheck will be given to you at the end of the month.
我知道去年到我們部門來對你來說不容易。 我們只是沒有看到你努力成為團隊中的一份子。 我們很感激你多年的付出,也願意給你一筆遣散費。 你最後一筆工資會在這個月底給你的。

What about all my vacation time and benefits?

Your final paycheck will include your accrued vacation and sick days. And here is a packet from HR explaining your options for continued health care coverage. Do you have any questions?
你最後一筆工資裡會包括你沒有用掉的帶薪年假和病假。 還有這是人事部解釋你以後健康保險選擇的所有資訊。 你還有什麼問題嗎?

Yes, does everyone know this is happening?

No, but we have asked Julia to help you complete your reports by the end of the month. And Julia will tie up the loose ends on your other projects.
還不知道,但是我們已經讓Julia幫你完成了到月底前的報告。 Julia會處理你其他項目的細節問題的。

What about me? Do I have a say in any of this?
那我呢? 我有發言權嗎?

Yes, we’d like to set up an exit interview with you before you leave. You’ve been with our organization a long time and we would be interested in hearing your feedback. It’s been a pleasure working with you these past few weeks, Kyle. I wish you all the best for the future.
有的,你走之前公司會有一個離職面試。 你在我們公司很長時間了,我們希望聽到你的反饋意見。 和你共事的過去幾個星期很高興,也希望你未來一切順利。
Let's Practice
Make it right.
I understand that you feel that way, but the decision is _____.
I’ve made a lot of ___ to fit in here.
“Julia will tie up the loose ends.”means: ______.
A.Julie will tie her shoe laces.
B.Julia will settle unfinished business.
C.Julie will solve mysteries.
D.Julia will time ribbons.
Yes, we’d like to set up an exit ______ with you before you leave.
Your final __(1.)__ will include your accrued vacation and sick days. And here is a __(2.)__ from HR explaining your __(3.)__ for continued health care coverage.
payment / choices / options / packet / wallet / paycheck
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How would you feel if your friend was fired from work? What would you do to console him / her?