Unit 22
Last day at work
Workplace English/Career Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What is your dream job? Why is it your dream job?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. significant (adj.) 有意義的
Is it significant to paint the office?
2. determination (n.) 有決心的
Strengthen your determination.
3. optimism (n.) 積極樂觀的
Great every day with optimism.
4. perseverance (n.) 堅持不懈的
I idolize your perseverance and hard work.
5. ample (adj.) 很多
She has an ample amount of fun ideas!
6. inspiration (n.) 靈感
Where do you get your inspiration from?
7. bittersweet (n.) 喜憂參半的
Losing and Winning are both bittersweet.
8. diligent (n.) 勤懇的
Sheila is so diligent in work and in school.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

In the past 10 years, we’ve seen colleagues come and go, but today we say goodbye to a colleague that has made a significant difference at our company. She has led the creative team with determination, optimism and perseverance.
She has brought an ample amount of innovative ideas, and has always thought
outside of the box for new ways of improving our products and services.
We have appreciated all the hard work that Francis has done for this company. We’ll truly miss her as a colleague, a friend, and an inspiration to us all. Thank you, Francis!
過去的十年間,我們看著同事們來了又走,但今天我們要和一位對公司影響非凡的同事告別。 她帶領的創意團隊態度堅決、積極主動、堅持不懈。
我們一直以來都對Francis在這個公司的工作稱讚。 我們會很想念她,作為同事、朋友及我們的靈感。 謝謝你,Francis!

Thank you so much Chris for the compliments! During my time at James and Morrison, I’ve worked with some of the most brilliant people I’ve ever met. These are people who love their jobs and have worked hard to get to where they are now.
These people are diligent and motivating, and I will miss them. I have a bittersweet feeling about leaving today. I have worked here for so long that I can’t imagine working anywhere else.
謝謝你的誇獎Chris! 我在James and Morrison公司任職期間,我和許多最聰明的人一起共事。 這些人熱愛自己的工作,為自己的目標不斷奮鬥。
這些人睿智又有幹勁,我會想念他們的。 今天我離開這裡,心裡感到五味陳雜。 我在這裡幹了這麼長時間,很難想像要到別的地方去工作的情形。

I’d also like to give a special thanks to Tim. You’re a stellar director and the best mentor anyone could ever ask for. All the advice you’ve given me has really helped me grow my skill sets and achieve the next stage of my career.
Thank you to Greg, Stacy and Janice for all their hard work and dedication. It has been a pleasure working with you guys! And of course I’d like to wish Tina all the luck in the world.
She’ll be taking over my work from now. Congratulations Tina! I know you’ll do an outstanding job! I want to wish everyone the very best. Thank you so much and keep in touch!
我還想特別感謝一下Tim。 你對任何人來說都是個優秀的總監和最好的導師。 你給我的建議幫我提升了專業技能,登上事業的下一個高峰。
謝謝你Greg,Stacy,Janice,謝謝你們辛勤的工作和付出。 能和你們共事是我的榮幸! 當然我要祝Tina一切順利。
她從今往後會接替我的工作。 恭喜Tina! 我相信你一定會表現出色的! 我想祝福所有人一切順利,謝謝你們,保持聯系!
Let's Practice
Make it right.
She has led the creative team with ________, optimism and perseverance.
These people are diligent and ____.
“You’re a stellar director “ means: _____.
A.You’re an outstanding director.
B.You’re a star director.
C.You’re a director who likes stars.
D.You’re a good director.
These people are ___ and motivating, and I will miss them.
She has brought an __(1.)__ amount of innovative ideas, and has always thought outside of the box for __(2.)__ ways of __(3.)__ our products and services.
huge / ample / latest / revising / new / improving
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What will be the reason or the factors why you will resign from your job?