Unit 10
Effective business writing – Part 1
English for the workplace/Communication in workplace
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think is an effective business letter? How will you describe it?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. effective (adj.) 有效的
How do you write an effective letter?
2. writing (n.) 寫作
Writing a proposal is hard, but worth it.
3. proposals (n.) 提議
Can you give me the proposals today?
4. environment (n.) 環境
Take care of our environment, by recycling.
5. tailor (n.) 調整使適合
Tailor your letter to be understanding.
6. personality (n.) 個性
Your personality is too good to be true!
7. strategies (n.) 策略
What are your strategies in writing a letter?
8. convoluted (adj.) 費解的
He gave a convoluted description.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Welcome to today’s seminar on “Effective Business Writing”. This is a two-part presentation and tomorrow we’ll continue with part two…Well, I’m Diana from the Economics Department at JR University. In today’s presentation, I will teach you ways of writing simple and short emails, letters, proposals, etc.
Nowadays, information moves at the speed of light through email. People don’t have time to read every email word for word. So we have to change the way we write in a business environment.
First, I want to talk about the reader. Take time to tailor your writing for your audience. In the outline you have on this talk, you’ll see all the different personality types and learning styles. Study them and write based on those theories. Next, I’ll talk about nine strategies that will improve your business writing.
歡迎參加今天的「高效商務寫作」 研討會。 這個演講分為兩個部分,我們明天會繼續講第二部分… 嗯,我是來自JR大學經濟學院的Diana。 今天的演講中,我會教大家寫短小的郵件、信件、提議等。
當今時代,信息通過電子郵件以光速傳播。 人們沒有時間讀每個郵件中的每句話。 所以我們必須在商務情況下改變書寫方式。
首先,我想談一談讀者。 花點時間為你的讀者潤色一下你寫的東西。 我們看到這個演講的大綱部分,你可以看到不同 性格的人及其學習方式。 學一學這些內容,並根據這些理論來寫東西。 接下來,我要說一說切合實際的策略。

The Shirtsleeve Strategies are broken down into nine parts. The first strategy is to use short and familiar words. Write in a clear and concise manner.
Don’t use convoluted words to impress your reader.
The second strategy is to get rid of redundant words and phrases. Redundant words are often used in everyday language. One example of an everyday redundancy is “Free Gifts.” A gift is always free and if it’s not free then it’s not a gift. The word “Gifts” is enough to convey the meaning.
The third strategy is to eliminate wordy language. An example of a time-waster is “on a daily basis.” “Daily“ works just as well as “on a daily basis.“
The fourth strategy is to avoid unnecessary formalities and clichés. Write in a conversational tone; don’t write anything you wouldn’t say in person.
切合實際的策略一共分為九個部分。 第一個策略是用短小常用的詞。 用簡潔的書寫方式,不要用令人費解的詞試圖讓對方對你刮目相看。
第二個策略是摒棄不需要的詞。 多餘的語言在每天的日常對話中隨處可見。 比如,”免費禮物”就是平時常見的廢話。 禮物總是免費的,如果不是免費的就不能稱之為禮物。 “禮物”這個詞足以表達其含義了。
第三個策略是去掉浪費時間的東西。 一個浪費時間的例子就是”每天例行公事”。 “日常”工作指的就是”每天例行公事”。
第四個策略是避免用一些陳詞濫調。 用平時說話的語氣寫,你不會當面和別人用的語句就不要寫下來。

Strategy number five is to write in a positive tone. People respond better when written to in a positive tone; negativity can cause reader opposition.
The sixth strategy is to be specific. Terms that are vague can cause confusion instead of giving readers precise information.
The seventh strategy is to avoid jargon. Uncommon jargon can be unfamiliar to the reader and result in confusion.
The eighth strategy is to make items parallel. When writing is parallel, readers absorb information more rapidly and have more clarity.
The ninth strategy is to keep terms consistent. Changing terminology can lead to confusion. Ok, that‘s it for the Shirtsleeve Strategies and the end of today’s presentation. Remember, the second part of this seminar is tomorrow at 8 o‘clock. Thank you and are there any questions?
第五條策略是用積極地口吻寫。 人們在回復積極的郵件的時候反映更好,消極的口吻會引起逆反情緒。
第七條策略是避免過於專業的行話。 不常用的行話對於不熟悉該行業的讀者來說真是雲里霧裡。
第八條策略是讓每條專案平行列舉。 當平行列舉你要寫的內容的時候,讀者能更快更準確的獲取資訊。
第九條策略是用詞保持一致。 不斷改變術語可能會造成疑問。 好了,以上是一些切合實際的策略,今天的專題演講到此結束。 記住,明天第二部分的研討會在八點整。 感謝大家的參與,大家有什麼問題嗎?
Let's Practice
Make it right.
The sixth strategy is to be __________.
The eighth strategy is to make items ________.
“The seventh strategy is to avoid jargon” means: ____.
A.Avoid using technical and complicated language.
B.Avoid using vernacular language.
C.Avoid using short language.
D.Avoid using other languages.
The ninth strategy is to keep terms _______.
The __(1.)___ strategy is to keep terms ___(2.)___ Changing terminology can ___(3.)___ to confusion.
nineth / ninth / consistent / lead / led / constant
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think is it important to know how to write in a business-style or formal way?