Someone added me

Unit 20
Someone added me on Facebook

Oversea life/Daily communication


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

Do you have a facebook account? What is the reason why you created or did not create one?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. Facebook (phr.) 社交網路名
Do you have a facebook account?

2. keep track of (phr.) 記錄
Keep track of your social media activities.

3. indiscriminately (adj.) 不分青紅皂白的
I am giving my number to anyone indiscriminately.

4. social butterfly (phr.) 社交達人
I am a social butterfly because I am friendly to anyone.

5. like (v.) 點贊
Please give my profile picture a “like”.

6. friend requests (phr.) 好友請求
I have 29 friend requests since yesterday!

7. confirm (v.) 確認
Why did you not confirm my friend request?

8. timeline  (n.) Facebook上的時間線
I like to post cute animals in my timeline.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Paul, come over here for a second and check out my Facebook page. I have three new friend requests! But I don’t recognize any of these guys. Do you know who they are?
Paul,過來一下看看我的Facebook頁面。 我有三個好友請求! 但是我一個都不認識。 你知道他們是誰嗎?

Jared and Ronnie. They’re friends of Michael. Don’t you remember?

Not really. It’s hard to keep track of everyone I meet. Plus, I give out my name and number pretty indiscriminately. What can I say? I’m a social butterfly!
記不太得。 要記住我見過的每個人很難。 而且,我經常透露的我的姓名和電話。 怎麼說呢? 我是個社交達人!

We met them at Michael’s party last week and they must have searched for your name and found you on Facebook. Or maybe they used the ‘find friends’ feature.
我們上個星期在Michael的派對上見過他們,他們肯定在Facebook上搜了你的名字找到你的。 或者用”尋找朋友”功能。

You’re right, that is them. They’re cute! Here are a bunch of pictures from that party. Have you seen these yet? Wow, you looked really good that night. I’m going to ‘like’ all these photos and leave a comment about how hot we look. There, I did it.
你說的對,是他們沒錯。 他們好帥啊! 這裡有好多派對上的照片。 你看過了沒有? 哇塞,你那天晚上看起來很讚啊。
我要在照片下面”點讚”,還要評論說我們看起來多麼火辣。 好了,發送了。

You’re so crazy. Are you going to accept those friend requests?
你太瘋狂了。 你要接受那些好友請求嗎?

I‘ll click on “confirm” and check out their pages later. But, what about this other guy, “Tom Jones”?
我過一會兒再”點確認”,看看他們的頁面。 但是這個人是誰,叫「Tom Jones」?

I don’t know. Click on his page!

Here are a bunch of pictures of him and his friends. They all look like they’re into skateboarding. In the ‘ about ‘ section it says he’s from Alabama! I don’t know a single person from that state!
這裡有好多他和他朋友的照片。 看起來他們都很喜歡玩滑板,在資料里寫他來自阿拉巴馬州! 那個州我一個人都不認識!

Just scroll down on his recent timeline and see if there’s anything posted there that jogs your memory.

It looks like this guy just hangs out with his skater friends all day. I’m just going to ignore his friend request.
看起來這個人整天和他滑板的朋友玩在一起。 我還是忽略他的好友請求吧。

Or you could just delete it. Social media websites make it so easy to get rid of annoying people.
或者你可以直接刪除啊。 社交媒體網站很容易就甩掉這些煩人的傢伙。

Oh wait, here’s something! I see on his timeline that he was at my aunt Kay’s house last summer. That must be where I’ve seen him before! He’s one of my long-lost cousins!
等一下,這是什麼! 我看到他的時間線上有去年在我的Kay阿姨家的照片。 這肯定是我遇見他的地方了! 他是我一個失散已久的表親!

Another long-lost cousin? I guess you should add him to your family page under your friends list. How many contacts do you have now, Donna?
又是一個失散已久的表親? 我覺得你應該把他加到你的好友清單的”家人”一欄。 你現在有多少好友了Donna?

I have about 300 contacts in total. One hundred are people I know from school, work, and social events. Around 100 more are friends of friends, people I’ve never met in person before.
我大概總共有300個聯繫人。 一百個是我從學校或是社交場合認識的,還有一百個是朋友的朋友,我從沒見過真人。

And the rest?

The rest are my family members. My 100 cousins are all on Facebook too!
剩下的就是家人親戚啊。 我100個表親都在Facebook上!

Let's Practice

Make it right.

I don’t know. Click ____ his page!

They’re friends of Michael. Don’t you ___________?


“Another long-lost cousin?” means: _____.

A.Another cousin not seen for a long time.
B.Another cousin who was lost for a long time.
C.Another cousin who have a tall height.
D.Another cousin that was seen for a long time.

Are you going to accept those friend  ________?


__(1.)__, I give out my name and number pretty__(2.)__. What can I say? I’m a __(3.)__ butterfly!

social / indiscriminately / easily / additionally / plus / sweet


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.What do you think is the advantage of facebook compared to other social media sites?
2.What do you think is the disadvantage of facebook compared to other social media sites?