Unit 03
The Pet Economy
New Knowledge/Fun Science
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Do you have a pet? How do you take care of your pet?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. ergonomically (n.) 符合人體工學地;工效學意義上
Check out this ergonomically designed massage chair.
2. splurged (n.) 揮霍,花很多錢
She splurged herself on a new dress.
3. bells and whistles (n.) 花里胡哨的東西
This darn car has so many bells and whistles that I can’t figure out how to open the gas tank!
4. raking it in (phr.) 賺大錢;輕易賺(很多錢)
We have the chance to really start raking it in if we can get our products into the Asian markets.
5. hand over fist (adv.) 迅速大量地(賺錢或賠錢)
He’s making money hand over fist.
6. urban alienation (phr.) 城市中人與人的疏離感
Urban alienation is common these days.
7. mitigate (v.) 減輕,使緩和
He attempted to mitigate the offense.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hey, check out this ergonomically designed massage chair that I got for my cat, Feefee!

Talk about luxury! Looks like you splurged and got all the bells and whistles.

I just couldn’t resist. I’m sure these pet companies are raking it in hand over fist.

No doubt! The pet market has tripled in the last 5 years, with us millennials making up the largest cohort.

Well, economically, we have the means, and with urban alienation being so pervasive these days, it’s no surprise that millennials are seeking comfort in pets.

They do mitigate anxiety. But we also see pets as surrogate children, making us more willing to invest and indulge in their every need.

Makes sense. A lot of us have a “spare no expense” attitude when it comes to pets, which has helped make the market resilient to recession.

Yup, and companies know it. Premiumization has been a big thing, especially with food.

Oh, for sure! To make matters worse, I’m really susceptible to ads, so I buy lots of toys and clothes.

Yeah, you’ve definitely bought into the whole novelty trend, but hey, Feefee is one well-dressed cat!
With + noun + verb-ing
The pattern “with + noun + verb-ing” is frequently used to express that something is the cause of a particular situation, and in that way is similar to “because.” For instance, in today’s lesson, the speaker said, “with urban alienation being so pervasive these days, it’s no surprise that the millennials are seeking comfort in pets.”
Here, we could also say “because/since urban alienation is so pervasive.“
Notice that this pattern is also frequently paired with “it’s no surprise” or “I’m surprised.” For instance, “With
cities being so crowded these days, it’s no surprise that the cost of housing has skyrocketed.” Or, “With everyone going home for the holidays, it’s no surprise that most of the train tickets have already sold out.”
1.With all the meetings happening this week, I doubt I’ll have much time to myself.
2.It’s no surprise that more millennials are getting pets, with pet policies in apartments becoming more lax.
3.With the schedule being as insane as it is, I’m surprised that more of us haven’t dropped the ball.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Would you rather buy animals in a pet shop or adapt stray animals in the streets? Why?