Unit 18
Brand Advertising
Workplace English/Communication Skills
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What brands have you seen advertising recently? Where do they advertise their products?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. brand advertising (phr.) 品牌廣告
We have to strengthen our brand advertising.
2. direct response advertising (phr.) 直接回應廣告
We should aim for a direct response advertising.
3. bombarded (n.) 轟炸
She was bombarded with questions!
4. arenas (adj.) 方面
The public arenas are open for use.
5. distinct (adj.) 獨特
Apple’s ads are so distinct.
6. engagement (n.) 吸引、接觸
How do we increase our engagement?
7. delineate (v.) 描繪
Sam will delineate our marketing strategy.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Thank you for coming to my talk today. My name is William Harrington. I’ve spent most of my career in advertising working for some of the world’s largest ad agencies. Today I’ll be talking about two different types of advertising: brand advertising and direct response advertising.
Everyday, all of us are bombarded with advertising in nearly all arenas of our lives – in the newspaper, on the sides of buses, and of course on our digital devices. Within this larger umbrella of advertising, however, there are two distinct styles of engagement that delineate the most significant divide on how to approach convincing a customer to buy a product.
謝謝各位來聽我的演講。我叫 William Harrington。我的職業生涯大部分時間是在廣告行業渡過的,為世界上最大的一些廣告公司工作。今天我會講講兩種不同類型的廣告:品牌廣告和直接反應廣告。

The first approach is called “brand advertising”. Brand advertising is focused on making the customer feel a certain way about a product, often pushing them to associate a product with certain ideas or concepts that may or may not have anything to do with the product itself. In this way, brand advertising is doing just that – advertising a brand, not a product.
Examples of this are everywhere in our modern advertising landscape. Many alcohol brands make advertising that conflates the consumption of their product with sexy people or exciting parties. Are the sexy people and exciting parties the product itself? No, the product is an alcoholic beverage. But the idea is to create a brand through ubiquitous ad placement where the customer associates consuming the alcoholic beverage with sexy people or exciting parties, which in theory leads to them to consume the said beverage.

I say “in theory” because one of the main drawbacks to brand advertising is the difficulty in measuring its success. Most brand advertising does not have a discernible call to action – showing sexy people drinking your product is not directly saying “ Go buy our product!”, it’s simply showing sexy people drinking your product.
This is not to say that brand advertising cannot have a return on investment, but the opaque nature of gauging this ROI leads many advertising campaigns to tend towards the other main approach – direct response.
May or may nott
“May or may not” is a set phrase placed into phrases to intentionally indicate doubt. In this way it is similar to a more formal way to say “might”. In practice, it infers a greater deal of neutrality than “might”.
1. What’s new? Well, I may or may not have big news to share with you…I’m pregnant!
2. I may or may not come to your party, I have to see what ends up happening with my meeting beforehand.
3. You may or may not know, but when I was a child I was a celebrated gymnast.
4. ___________________________________________________________.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What do you think are the factors that will influence what people think of your product?