Unit 13
Strategic Consulting
Workplace English/Communication Skills
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Have you tried being in consultation?
What do you think is a strategic consultation?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. battered (adj.) 受挫的
Lou is a battered worker.
2. margin (n.) 利潤空間
Let us not exceed from the budget margin set.
3. grim (adj.) 嚴峻、黑暗
Why is your expression grim?
4. on the up-and-up (idi.) 蒸蒸日上
He recently got a promotion and is on the up and up.
5. saturated (adj.) 飽和的
Can you hand me the saturated alcohol?
6. niche (n.) 市場空間、市場藍海
It is important to find your niche.
7. to find a foothold (phr.) 尋求立足之地
My company is struggling to find a foothold.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

How did Quarter 2 treat you?

We were battered. It’s clear that we’re going to miss our profit projections by a big margin. It’s grim.

Some key markets are still doing well, though. China is still going strong, and North America is on the up-and-up.

Yeah, but our operations just aren’t really centered on those markets right now.
They’re both already so saturated with the product we offer. I don’t think we could find a niche.

There’s always the option of hiring a consulting firm to help you create that niche.

You think?

It’s worth a try. In 2009 my company was really struggling to find a foothold after the financial crisis. It was clear we needed to restructure our business model and product portfolio, but I had no idea how to go about it when I was spending all of my energy just trying to keep our heads above water.
值得一試。 2009年經濟危機後我的公司費了很大力氣尋找立足點。很顯然我們需要重新架構我們的業務模式和產品系列,但是我根本不知道怎樣解決這問題,那時我正投入全部精力解決企業生存問題呢。

I had no idea. But your business is so healthy now.

Yeah, thanks to a consulting firm. We brought one in that had helped some companies during the Asian Financial Crisis. They crunched the numbers and legitimized some of the hard decisions that I thought we might have to make but didn’t know how to approach.

Like what?

Well, we ended up shedding half of our workforce. It wasn’t an easy decision, but there were some gross inefficiencies in the company that had built up over the years that really weren’t helping our bottom line.

Is that all they helped you with?

Not at all. They were able to bring in some fresh opinions about the market segment we were going after. They were the first ones to suggest that we de-emphasize the BRIC countries and start looking towards the CIVETS.

That’s how you guys ended up with cornering the Indonesian and Vietnamese markets? But I’m sure hiring a consultancy must’ve cost you a fortune.

It wasn’t cheap, but ultimately it was worth it. Of course hiring one of the Big Four will near-bankrupt you, but there are plenty of smaller firms that have the expertise to get the job done.

Maybe this sort of strategic guidance is exactly what I need to make my way through this fog. Thanks for imparting your business wisdom.

Of course, best of luck.
“Near-” is a prefix that can be added to a verb or the past participle of a verb to mean that something “almost” happened. Generally this is reserved for actions that have greater gravity, such as becoming “bankrupt”, as opposed to simple actions such as “to eat” and signifies a slightly higher register of language. That said, it is still grammatically correct to use it in these different situations.
1. She near-starved herself to death when she was dealing with an eating disorder.
2. I think I’m going to near-run out of money before my next paycheck. It’s going to be tight.
3. My friend near-fell off a cliff the other day while we were hiking! It was completely terrifying.
4. Oh my god! That car over there near-hit that pedestrian walking across the street. Did you see that?
5. ______________________________________________________________________.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How do you think does a “strategic consulting” differ from a “normal consulting”?