Unit 12
Setting KPIs
Workplace English/Communication Skills
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Do you know what is a KPI? What do you think KPI is?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. how goes it (idi.) 怎麼樣?
Hi John! How goes it?
2. overkill (v.) 過頭
The new KPIs are overkill.
3. different animal (n.) 完全不同
Are you okay? You look like a different animal.
4. feed into (phr.) 貢獻
Laziness feeds into your unwillingness to work.
5. reinvent the wheel (idi.) 不必要
I think it is useless to reinvent the wheel.
6. pure and simple (idi.) 簡單單純
We serve customers. Pure and simple.
7. KPI (acro.) 關鍵業績指標
Have you seen the new KPI guidelines?
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hi Gary - thanks for inviting me over. How goes it in customer service?
嗨,Gary, 謝謝你邀請我來這兒。客服部運作得如何?

Good, but to be perfectly frank, the new HR guidelines on KPIs seem like overkill. Don’t we already have a good system in place for employee performance reviews and goals?

We do – but KPIs are a different animal than individual performance goals. Most importantly, KPIs help us track the main organizational goals, and then make sure that individual goals feed into them.
是的。但是KPI跟個人業績目標是完全不同的。 KPI最主要的目的是幫助我們追踪公司的總體目標,然後確保每位員工的業績都對此有所貢獻。

Ok – but here in the customer service department, it’s seems like a lot of work to reinvent the wheel. Our job is to reduce the number of customer complaints we get, pure and simple and last year, we cut complaints by over 25%!

And that’s great – but also a perfect example! The most important thing with KPIs is that they measure our company’s goals. If our customer service KPI is to reduce customer complaints, that doesn’t really measure our goals.

How is that? Aren’t fewer customer complaints the goal?

Not necessarily. While it’s true that there may be less complaints because customers are happier, what if we get less complaints just because we have a downturn in sales, and as a result, less customers who can complain in the first place? Or what if they’re unhappy, but having more trouble accessing support services?
並不一定是。但是當然要承認,用戶開心了投訴率就低。但如果我們的投訴率低了是因為銷售量低導致用戶群小了, 那怎麼辦?或者如果客戶不開心,但是沒法得到用戶支持服務,這種情況你想過沒?

I never thought of it that way.

A good KPI here would be to target the number of customer service requests that remain unsatisfied at the end of the week. Then we know customer service response is improving.

That makes sense. So, KPI is like a dashboard for tracking bigger goals – but making sure it measures something meaningful. So we could improve progress towards the KPI by setting individual goals to reduce the average unresolved complaints every week by 15%.

You’ve got it! And that also meets our criteria of personal goals following the “SMART” principle: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.

This is making a lot more sense now. Let me work up a draft, but I may still need to pick your brain later on KPIs for customer service.
The use of a “dash” vs. a “comma” for emphasis
a. Use em dash (“ – “) to give stronger emphasis:
1. If I get that new raise, I’m going to get a car!
2. If I get that new raise – I’m going to get a car! (better)
b.Use em dash (“ – “) to set off parenthetical phrases:
1. When you come in, or go out, don’t forget to shut that door.
2. When you come in – or go out – don’t forget to shut that door. (better)
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What is your ideal profession? What do you think are the KPIs of that specific profession?