Unit 27
The 10000 hour rule
New Knowledge/Reading Knowledge
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think is the 10,000 rule all about?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. popularized (v.) 使受歡迎、普及
She popularized that kind of fashion.
2. pop psych (phr.) 流行心理學
This was popularized by a pop psych writer.
3. principle (n.) 原則
The principle of 10,000 hours lets you master your skill.
4. deliberate (v.) 刻意的、有意的
You just have to make a deliberate and final decision.
5. psychologists (n.) 心理學研究者,心理學家
Psychologists are a great help!
6. access (n.) 達到、獲取
Can you give me access to the files?
7. tears that theory down (phr.) 推翻某個理論
Facts tears that theory down.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

The 10,000 Hour Rule — popularized by pop psych writer Malcolm Gladwell in his book “Outliers”— may not be much of a rule at all.
The principle holds that 10,000 hours of “deliberate practice” are needed to become world-class in any field.
When psychologists talk about deliberate practice, they mean practicing in a way that pushes your skill set as much as possible.
In “Outliers,” Gladwell argues that early access to getting 10,000 hours of practice allowed the Beatles to
It also helped Bill Gates to become one of the richest men in the world, thanks to using a computer since his teen years.
一萬小時定律,這個被流行心理作家Malcolm Gladwell在其《Outliers》一書中普及的概念,也許根本不是一條定律。

But a new Princeton study tears that theory down.
In a meta-analysis of 88 studies on deliberate practice, the researchers found that practice accounted for just a 12% difference in performance in various domains.
What’s really surprising is how much it depends on the domain:
• In sports, an 18% difference.
• In education, a 4% difference.
• In professions, just a 1% difference.
The best explanation is probably found in another book “The Click Moment” by Frans Johansson.
另一本書:Frans Johansson所著的《The Click Moment》也許提供了背後的最佳答案。

In the book, Johansson argues that deliberate practice is only a predictor of success in fields that have super stable structures.
For example, in tennis, chess, and classical music, the rules never change, so you can study up to become the best.
However, in less stable fields, like entrepreneurship and rock and roll, rules can go out the window.
Mastery is more than just a matter of practice. There’s no doubt that practice is important, but it’s just less important than what has been argued.
So the million-dollar question now is, what else matters?
Meta、After、Beyond、About (it’s own category)
Meta :
“That‘s pretty meta”. “Woah, you just went meta”. There are all kinds of words and expressions in English that use this prefix. At it’s most general level, it‘s a word that English has borrowed from Greek, used to indicate a concept that is either an abstraction of another concept, or some kind of addition to the concept.
It‘s generally translated as or “after,” beyond,“ or ”about.“ Unfortunately, this concept is much bigger than any of those three prepositions. Below, we’ll talk about the different senses of the word, based on the preposition that each sense best matches.
After :
Usually these kinds of words are used in biology or medicine. For example, “metamorphosis” is the change from one form to another form, such as when a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. In addition, “metastasis” occurs when a disease spreads from one part of the body to another.
Beyond :
Going “beyond” something here means to analyze it at a higher level. For example, “metalinguistics” analyzes the principles of linguistics, instead of the subject matter, language. Same goes for “metaphilosophy”, which analyzes the the principles of philosophy instead of the usual philosophical subject matter: physics, ethics, politics, aesthetics or art.
About (it’s own category) :
This is the way that most young people would understand meta. After all, they have been brought up in a culture that is always referencing itself. For example, a comedian who tells a joke about telling jokes would be said to be “going meta” or doing “meta-jokes”. Likewise, an author writing fiction about fiction would be said to be writing “meta-fiction”. Although this form of meta is self-referential, try not to confuse it with the idea of “self”. Self-confidence or self-awareness has nothing to do with being meta.
In the tech world, a lot of meta terms share this meaning. For example, “metadata” is a pretty new concept in the West, but when it’s described as “data about data”, it’s a lot easier for people to grasp exactly what it is.
1.After we started discussing how we should best hold class discussions, someone said “this is pretty meta!”
2.Going forward, we will need to think of new meaningful ways to create and store metadata.
3.You need to write good metatags for your website if you want search engines to list you.
4.In tomorrow’s science class we’ll be starting our unit on metamorphosis.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What skill do you hope to master in 10,000 hours?