Unit 13
Are you a coffee addict?
Overseas Life/Daily Communication
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
How often do you drink coffee in a day?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. jittery (adj.) 緊張不安的;心煩意亂的
Drinking too much coffee made me jittery.
2. intervention (n.) 介入;干預
You need intervention in your unhealthy habits.
3. stimulant (n.) 興奮劑;刺激物
Too much coffee is an insomnia stimulant.
4. dopamine (n.) 多巴胺
It is important to keep your dopamine level in a healthy level.
5. crash (v.) 疲憊不堪
I want to go home and crash on my bed!
6. insomnia (n.) 失眠,失眠症
How long have you been suffering insomnia?
7. hiatus (v.) 中斷,間隙
The story remains on hiatus.
8. relapse (v.) (病好轉後)復發;故態復萌
He showed improvement in rehab, but unfortunately relapsed shortly after his release.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hey Luke, you look a bit jittery today. How many coffees have you had?
嗨,Luke,你今天看上去有點心煩意亂啊。 你喝了多少咖啡?

Honestly, I can’t say. I lost count after the 5th.
說實話,我也不清楚。 第五杯之後我就數不清了。

Sounds like someone has a caffeine addiction. Don’t you think it’s time for an intervention? It is a drug after all.
某人好像咖啡因上癮了哦。 你不覺得應該干預一下了嗎? 畢竟它也是一種藥物。

It’s a mild stimulant! Besides, it helps me focus, and that dopamine rush keeps me alert and motivated. It also improves long-term memory.
只是一種輕度興奮劑! 再說了,它能幫我集中注意力,而且那種多巴胺迸發的感覺讓我思維敏捷、積極性高。 喝咖啡還能提高長期記憶力。

If you say so, but you do crash a lot, and I know you have insomnia. Have you ever gone on a hiatus?
就算你說的沒錯,但你確實經常會突然疲憊不堪,而且我知道你還失眠。 你有沒有試過一段時間不喝咖啡呢?

Once. I quit cold turkey and had all the classic withdrawal symptoms: headaches, irritability, and fatigue.
有過一回。 我徹底戒掉了咖啡,然後就出現了所有典型的戒斷癥狀:頭痛、易怒和疲勞。

Maybe switch to decaf. At least it’ll act like a placebo, and you’ll be less likely to relapse.
你可以試試無咖啡因咖啡。 至少能充當安慰劑,而且你咖啡因再次成癮的可能性會更低。

Yeah, drinking lots of water and alternative stimulants like exercise are supposed to help too.

Seriously. Try it for a month, and you’ll feel revitalized after.
真的。 試一個月,你就會恢復活力了。

Oh, all right! I’ll think about it, but no promises!
噢,好的! 我考慮一下,但不能保證哦!
If you say so
The phrase “if you say so” is used to express insincere agreement or disbelief. This phrase is similar to saying “I don’t believe you/I don’t agree, but I won’t argue with you either.” For instance, in today’s dialogue, Luke listed all the positive effects that caffeine has on him. However, Cody doesn’t believe that the actual effects are as positive as Luke has claimed, so he responds with “If you say so.”
Other phrases that can be used to express insincere agreement or skepticism include “whatever you say,” and “so they say.” For example: A: “I heard that the new guy that they hired is a real hot-shot.” B: “So they say.” In this case, “so they say” implies that other people are saying this, but the speaker doesn’t believe the rumours.
1. A: I swear this new weight loss cure works like a dream.
B: If you say so.
2. A: I just need a bit of alcohol to make me relax.
B: If you say so, but you better not go overboard!
3. If you say so, but I found her analysis to be shallow and pedantic.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What do you think are the benefits of drinking coffee on a healthy dose?