Unit 23
From the fear zone
to the growth zone
New Knowledge/Self-Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think are your weaknesses and fears?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. discontent (adj.) 不滿
She is discontent with her job.
2. barriers (n.) 障礙,阻礙
The police put up barriers to control the crowd.
3. stagnant (adj.) 停滯的,不發展的
During the summer, business is often stagnant.
4. conquered (v.) 征服
She conquered her fears and fought back!
5. acquire (v.) 獲取
The museum has just acquired a famous painting by Pablo Picasso.
博物館剛剛獲得了畢加索(Pablo Picasso)的一幅著名畫作。
6. newfound (adj.) 新獲得的
She is chatting with her newfound friend.
7. initiate (v.) 發起,開始
If he does not talk, initiate a conversation!
8. embrace (v.)欣然接受(提議等)
She embraced his offer to help her with her English.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

I’m feeling so discontent lately, George. It’s time I stepped out of my comfort zone!
我最近對現狀很不滿意,George。 我是時候該走出舒適區了!

I know that feeling. If you truly want to leave your comfort zone, you gotta get through the fear zone.
我知道那種感覺。 如果你真的想走出舒適區,那就必須穿越恐慌區。

Seriously? There are other zones?
真的嗎? 還有其他區?

Yeah, comfort is the first zone. Next is the fear zone. This is when we identify our barriers, face our fears, and break free from our stagnant lives.
是的,舒適區是第一個。 接下來是恐慌區,這個階段我們要發現障礙,直面恐懼,衝破停滯不前的生活。

Makes sense. People often avoid fear, which holds them back. So, after you’ve conquered the fear zone, what’s next?
有道理。 人們常常迴避恐懼,這讓人退縮不前。 那在征服恐慌區之後,下一步是什麼?

Next is the learning zone. This is when we acquire new skills and expand our comfort zone through our newfound confidence.

Ahh, sounds like we can initiate big changes in the learning zone.

Precisely. But ultimately you want to reach the growth zone.
正是。 但最終你要到達的是成長區。

Is that when we use our new skills to find purpose in life and live our dreams?

You nailed it. But reaching this zone is easier said than done.
你說的很對。 不過要到達這個區域,說來容易做來難。

So what’s the secret to reaching the growth zone?

You have to embrace change and be comfortable with being uncomfortable.
It’s time
Native English speakers love to use “it’s time” to refer to actions that should happen now, or should have already happened. A relative “that” clause follows the phrase, but “that” is often omitted.
For example, “It’s time I went home.” Here, I’m expressing that it’s late, and I should leave.
But why use “went”? This is called this “the past subjunctive.” It’s a past tense verb that expresses that something should have happened earlier.
We can use it to express regret, or to criticize someone for doing something late.
Here is the pattern: It’s time (that) + subject + past subjunctive verb
We can also say “It’s about time” to make it more polite and softer, and we can say “It’s high time” for added emphasis.
1. It’s time I took control over my destiny.
2. It’s time we started seeing a marriage counsellor.
3. I think it’s about time you switched professions for one with a higher salary.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How do you conquer or how did you conquer your fears? How did you deal with you weaknesses?