Unit 22
Book Series: The
moon and sixpence
New Knowledge/Reading Knowledge
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think the book is all about?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. tour de force (n.) 代表作,傑作
He was so proud about his tour de force!
2. riveting (adj.) 引人入勝的
It was such a riveting masterpiece!
3. archetype (n.) 典型,原型
Have you ever heard archetypes in psychology?
4. eccentric (adj.) 古怪的
The movement of the bear was eccentric!
5. tortured (n.) 飽受折磨的
Nobody wants to be tortured!
6. consumed (v.) 在…… 的驅使下,充滿(某種強烈的情感)
All of the drinks were consumed!
7. embarks (v.) 開始,著手做
He whistled as he embarks on a new journey.
8. manifestation (n.) 表露,表現
Fever is one manifestation of a cold.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

The Moon and Sixpence is a literary tour de force by William Somerset Maugham.
This riveting masterpiece is based on Paul Gauguin and centers on the pursuit of creative genius.
The protagonist, Charles Strickland, is the archetype of an eccentric and tortured artist.
Consumed by passion, he abandons his wife and embarks on a quest to fulfill his artistic vision.
But as it seems, his talent is both a blessing and a curse.
And through Maugham’s words, Strickland becomes the romantic artist who must sacrifice his life and love to achieve his ultimate goal.
Here are some famous quotes on art from the novel.
主角Charles Strickland是古怪而飽受折磨的藝術家的典型。

“Life isn’t long enough for love and art.“
“Art is a manifestation of emotion, and emotion speaks a language that all may understand.“
“Beauty is something wonderful and strange that the artist fashions out of the chaos of the world in the torment of his soul. To recognize it you must repeat the adventure of the artist.”
“美是一種美妙、奇異的東西,藝術家只有通過靈魂的痛苦折磨才能從宇宙的混沌中塑造出來的。 要想認識它,一個人必須重複藝術家經歷一番冒險。 ”
Using past participial phrases to modify the noun
In today‘s monologue, the speaker used the past participial phrase “consumed by passion” to modify the subject of the sentence “he.” Participial phrases are common in novels, newspapers, academic writing and speeches. They allow the speaker/writer to add information about the subject without making the sentence too long, which can help readability and give it more impact.
For instance, the speaker could have said, “He becomes consumed by passion and abandons his wife and embarks on a quest to fulfill his artistic vision.“ However, the repetition of ”and“ makes this sentence overly long and boring. But the speaker shortens the sentence with the participial phrase like this: ”Consumed by passion, he…” This gives the sentence more impact while keeping it easy to read.
As you may have guessed, we often use past participial phrases to give reasons for someone‘s actions. For instance, “Angered by the events, he refused to participate.”
1. Worried by the news, she called her brother in a panic.
2. Clearly incensed by the criticism of his peers, he sat down in the corner and stewed.
3. Inspired by his actions, I began to wonder how I, too, could use my experience in engineering to improve the lives of the impoverished.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What was your favorite book? Why is it your favorite?