Unit 18
Hey Siri!

New Knowledge/Fun Science


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

Are you familiar with Siri? What do you think is the purpose of Siri?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. speech recognition (phr.) 語音辨識
Siri identifies your voice by speech recognition.

2. corresponding (adj.) 相應的;對等的
We need to design this with corresponding colors.

3. cater to (idi.) 滿足… 願望或需求
Do you think Siri can cater to a foreign voice?

4. transcribed (n.) 轉錄,轉寫
John transcribed the article for you.

5. comprised of (idi.) 由… 組成
Smart phones are now comprised of Ai assistants.

6. Natural Language Processing (phr.) 自然語言處理
Siri has Natural Language Processing.

7. algorithms (n.) 演算法
YouTube algorithms led me to your channel.

8. mammoth (adj.) 巨大的
This will be a mammoth undertaking.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hey, Siri. Set an alarm for 6:30 AM tomorrow morning.
嘿,Siri。 定一個明早六點半的鬧鐘。

Okay. I set an alarm for 6:30 AM.
好的。 我已把鬧鐘定在明早六點半。

Boy, speech recognition technology sure has come a long way. Have you ever
stopped to think about how it works?
厲害了,語音辨識技術已經取得了這麼大的進步。 你有沒有想過它是什麼原理呢?

Actually, I have. When you trigger Siri by speaking, your speech is converted from audio to its corresponding textual form in the back-end of the system.
我還真想過。 當你通過說話來喚醒Siri的時候,你說的話會在系統後端從語音形式轉換成相應的文本形式。

I see. Developing such software must have been extremely challenging.
我明白了。 開發這樣的軟體一定是個巨大的挑戰。

And time-consuming. Siri is able to cater to various accents because engineers train machine learning models on large, transcribed datasets comprised of voice samples from large groups of people.
而且非常耗時。 Siri能夠識別各種各樣的口音是因為工程師們訓練了機器學習模型,這是基於龐大的人群語音轉寫樣本的數據集完成的。

That’s fascinating.

Yeah, but what I find fascinating is that Apple servers run Natural Language
Processing, or NLP, algorithms to understand the intent of what the user is trying to say.

Which enables NLP engines to distinguish exactly what someone is saying?

You got it. But doing so is a mammoth task because of the many different ways you can say one thing.
你說對了。 但實現這項技術其實是個非常龐大的任務,因為有太多不同的方式可以表達同一件事了。

I imagine contextual understanding must be another major aspect of Siri’s machine learning technology then?

Sure is. That’s why more and more we’re able to speak to Siri like any other human. Hey Siri, play “Yellow Submarine” by the Beatles.
沒錯。 這就是為什麼和Siri對話越來越像和人對話了。 嘿,Siri。 播放披頭士的Yellow Submarine。


Clause with “what…” to emphasize

In this lesson, the speaker says “What I find fascinating is that…” This is an example of a cleft sentence. It can be said another way: “The thing that I find fascinating is…” Cleft sentences are very common. What they do is introduce and emphasize what you’re about to say and they can often help to contrast it with other things or even what somebody else said.

For example: A: I don’t really like Siri’s voice. B: Really? What I dislike about Siri is that she never understands me. (Here, “she never understands me” is emphasized and this is being contrasted with A’s statement.)

Here are a few patterns:

1. What clause + is + noun phrase/wh-clause/how-clause

    What I need is an ice cold beer.

    What I don’t get is where all this money is going. It just all seems to disappear!


2. What clause + is + bare infinitive

     What you should do is go to bed.


3. What clause + is + (that) + subject + verb

     What I found ridiculous was that the price was double for tourists.


1. What I don’t understand is how he could stay in such an abusive relationship.

2. What you need to do is consult an accountant for better financial advice.

3. What I find confusing is this grammatical structure.


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.Can you give other examples of ai assistants that you can find on smart phones?