Unit 11
Book Series: Deep Work
New Knowledge/Reading Knowledge
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
On a scale of 1-10, rate your ability to concentrate.
*1 being you cannot concentrate and 10 being, you have excellent concentration ability.
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. cognitive (adj.) 認知能力的
He was cognitively impaired from the accident.
2. flow state (phr.) 心流狀態
Wow! You look like you are in your flow state.
3. in the zone (phr.) 全神貫注的狀態
You are so energetic and in the zone!
4. busywork (n.) 消磨時間的工作;累人而無價值的工作
The boss was in today, so we had to do a lot of busywork.
5. work ethic (n.) 工作準則,職業道德
We value your work ethic in the office.
6. rigorous (adj.) 嚴格的,嚴謹的
It was a long and rigorous training!
7. regimen (n.) 生活規則,養生之道
What is your self-care regimen?
8. reorienting (v.) 調整,轉變方向
The company is starting to reorient its focus on a broader demographic.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Ever feel like your hard work isn’t producing real results?
In his bestselling book Deep Work, computer science professor Cal Newport argues that you may need to make a shift from hard work to deep work.
He characterizes deep work as “distraction-free concentration that pushes your cognitive capabilities to the limit.” In psychology, it’s called a flow state. Informally, it’s simply being “in the zone.“
Its opposite, “shallow work,” consists of busywork that is cognitively “shallow” and produces very little value compared to deep work.
計算機科學教授Cal Newport在他的暢銷書《深度工作》中指出,你可能需要從努力工作轉向深度工作。
他將深度工作描述為”在無干擾的狀態下專注進行工作,使個人的認知能力達到極限」。 在心理學中,這被稱為心流狀態。 通俗來講,也就是處於”全神貫注的狀態”。

Applying deep work to your work ethic is anything but easy. It requires a rigorous training regimen, like removing distractions and scheduling time methodically.
He gives suggestions like switching off your internet, committing to a fixed end time of your day, and reorienting your focus using brain-building exercises.
Newport promises that cultivating deep work habits will have a transformative effect on your productivity and increase satisfaction in our lives.
將深度工作運用到你的工作準則中絕非易事。 這需要嚴格的訓練規則,比如排除干擾和有計劃地安排時間。
anything but
In this lesson, we saw the sentence, “Applying deep work to your work ethic is anything but easy.” It can be rephrased: “Applying deep work to your work ethic is not easy at all.”
The phrase “anything but” is a great way to emphasize what something is not. It means “it can be many things, but it is absolutely not this.” Verbs, nouns or adjectives can follow “anything but.”
1. I ate too much sushi this week, so tonight I want anything but sushi.
2. The movie was supposed to be a comedy, but it was anything but funny.
3. I’m down for doing anything but going skydiving. I’m too scared!
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Can you site some tips on how you focus or concentrate on a specific task?