Unit 28
Planning a conference
Workplace English/Workplace communication
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Have you attended a conference? What have you observed in that conference?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. booth (n.) 展位
You should design your booth.
2. exhibition hall floor (phr.) 展館
Wow! The exhibition hall floor is so colorful!
3. make a splash (idi.) 引人注目
The designs will make a splash to the attendees!
4. working in our favor (phr.) 有利
You have been working in our favor for many years now.
5. make up for it (phr.) 彌補
You made a mistake. Make up for it.
6. interactive (adj.) 互動
We should make the q and a, interactive.
7. customer feedback (phr.) 顧客反饋
It is important to have a customer feedback.
8. dedicated (v.) 專用;以…奉獻
The monument was dedicated to the memory of the national hero.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

I’d like to start discussing the plan for the upcoming Pacific Northwest Health Care Conference

As you know, this will be the first time we’ll have a booth on the exhibition hall floor, so we’re really trying to make a splash with the attendees.

What’s size booth we were able to get?

It’s one of the smaller sizes, unfortunately, so that won’t be working in our favor. But we’re going to make up for it.
雖然展位比較小,對我們不是很有利。 但是我們可以盡力彌補。

What are you planning?

Our booth is going to be delineated into two spaces – an interactive area and a customer feedback area. In the interactive area, we’re going to have mobile devices set up to allow attendees to try out our new app. This will be the focal point of the booth, with bright banners advertising that you can get a code for a week of complimentary use of the app if they sign up for our mailing list.
我們的展室將被劃分成兩塊—一塊互動區,一塊顧客反饋區。 在互動區,我們將準備行動裝置供到場者體驗我們的新 app。 這將會是展室的核心區,我們要用亮色的易拉寶,鼓勵使用者加入我們的社區,並且獲得免費使用app一周的體驗碼。

Alright. Feel free to use iPads from the tech department for that. You can contact the design department to get the ball rolling on creating banners. What about in the customer feedback area?
好,技術部的iPad拿去隨便用。 你可以聯繫設計部門著手準備做易拉寶。 那顧客反饋區怎麼辦呢?

Well, we’re going to have a few people on hand in the interactive area to answer questions and get feedback, but on the other side of the booth we’ll have a dedicated area for networking with potential clients and answering questions more in-depth.
嗯。 我們準備讓一些人在互動區隨時準備回答問題並獲得反饋,但是在展室的另一邊,我們將專門劃出接洽區,跟潛在的客戶更深層地交流。

Good. Don’t forget that networking and getting sales leads was a main impetus for us signing up for a conference, so don’t neglect this section of the booth.
很好。 別忘了接洽和得到銷售機會是我們參加大會的主要出發點,所以千萬不能忽視那塊區域啊。

Of course. We’re planning on bringing some of our most knowledgeable staff with us to man that side of the booth.
當然。 我們計劃把最有產品知識的員工安排在那塊區域工作。

Sounds good. Also, we still have a few thousand three-fold brochures from the Southern California Medical Professionals Conference in March. Can you use them?
聽起來不錯。 我們還有一些三月份在南加州醫學專業會議時剩下的幾千張三折宣傳冊,能用上嗎?

I already checked them and decided that some key information was out-of-date, so I’ve had them updated and re-ordered.
我已經確認過了,覺得有些關鍵資訊過時了。 所以我更新了一下,重新下了訂單。

Thanks for being so on top of the ball. Let’s check in again this time next week.
謝謝你準備那麼充分。 讓我們下周同一時間再確認資訊吧。
“had” someone do something(讓某人做某事)
“Had” someone do something is a commonly-used expression to mean “made” someone do something. The tone is slightly more passive and less direct than “made” someone do something.
1. I had my son pick up his room after he made me messy.
2. She had the waiter bring my dish back to the kitchen.
3. Eileen had the doctor check her blood levels one more time, just in case.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What topic would you like to learn in a conference?