Unit 21
Finding a career mentor

Workplace English/Career Development


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

What influenced you to pursue your career? Who influenced you to have that career?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. stagnant (adj.) 停滯不前的
The water at the lake is stagnant.

2. swamped (n.) 忙得不可開交
Our floor is swamped because of the rain.

3. mentee (n.) 被指導的人
It would be an honor to be your mentee.

4. acquainted  (adj.) 互相瞭解
You should also be acquainted with others.

5. look up to (phr.) 敬仰
Matthew is the person I look up to.

6. audacious (adj.) 大膽的,魯莽的
Haydee is brave and audacious.

7. entrepreneurial (adj.) 具有企業精神的
Please read my entrepreneurial biography.

8. amiable (adj.) 和藹可親的
She was characterized as being amiable.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

James, you’ve had a mentor right?

Yes. Why do you ask?

Well, I’ve recently read a lot about the importance of finding a career mentor. I’m feeling a bit stagnant at work and could really use some advice. But I don’t know how mentoring works or how to even find one.
嗯,我最近讀了很多關於找到一個職業導師的重要性。 我最近工作感覺不太順心,我真的需要一些建議。 但是我不知 道職業指導是怎麼一回事,怎麼找到一個有經驗和信賴的指導顧問。

Well the first thing you need to keep in mind is that mentoring is a two-way relationship. Your mentor also has to be getting something out of it. Although, it is flattering to have your opinion valued, not everyone has the time to give an hour of free advice.

Most people, especially someone you’d consider a mentor, are swamped with various projects or assignments; and taking on a mentee can be more of a burden than a reward.

You may get turned down, but that doesn’t mean you should give up; some people just have very limited time.
嗯,首先你要記住職業導師是一個雙向的關係。 你的導師也要從中有所收穫。 雖說能被你看重作為導師是很受寵若驚 的事,但沒有人有時間給你免費開導一小時。

大部分人,特別是你認作是你的職業導師的人,都要事纏身,所以再成為別人的職業導師更多的是一種負擔,而不是獎賞。 別人可能會拒絕當你的職業導師,但這不意味著你應該放棄,有些人只不過沒有時間。

I’d love to run a company someday, so do you think it would be a good idea to ask the CEO?

Don’t think that you can just go into the CEO’s office and ask him or her to be your mentor. You should be a little more acquainted with the person.
我覺得你不能直接走進總裁室問他或者她能不能成為你的職業導師。 你應該和對方相互再熟一點。

So whom should I ask?

Ask a manager, director or someone in a senior position at your company. I advise thinking of a few reasons why he or she is someone you look up to. You can say something like, “You have a real aptitude for problem solving. “
問問你們公司的經理、總監或是職位較高的人。 我建議你想想幾個解釋他或她為什麼是你要找的人的理由。 你可以說諸如:「你有很高的解決問題的資質。 ”

What if I am interested in someone who doesn’t work with me? How could I approach them?
如果我對不和我共事的人感興趣怎麼辦呢? 我怎麼才能聯繫到他們呢?

Well, you could cold call your potential mentor. This could really impress your mentor, since it’ll show that you’re somewhat audacious. Having the guts to bravely cold call a person you admire is definitely an entrepreneurial skill. Making an appearance in person can also impress your mentor.

Remember to be amiable in these situations. Even if your potential mentor says no, they may decide to contact you later—like when they’re less busy. Remember you need to look for someone of high caliber, who is a plausible candidate and has experience in the things you want to do.
你可以直接打電話給你潛在的職業導師。 你的導師可能因為你的大膽對你印象深刻。 有膽量直接打電話給陌生人絕對是個企業家才有的技能。 親自拜訪也能讓你的導師印象深刻。

記得在這些情況下都溫和親善。 即使你的導師拒絕了你,他們可能以後會聯繫你—可能他們當時在忙。 記得要找水準高的人一定要能言善辯,在你想要成就的領域經驗豐富。

Thanks a bunch for the advice!


Using Even if(即使)

Even if emphasizes that something will happen, would happen or would have happened no matter what. Here’s the example from the dialogue:
“Remember to be amiable when you‘re around these people, even if they say no, they may decided to get in contact with you later, when they’re less busy.”

1. I will go to the dance, even if I don’t get permission.

2. Even if he gets there on time, he’ll miss his connecting flight.

3. Even if they get off of work early, they’ll be stuck in traffic for hours.


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.Why do you think is it important to have a mentor?