Unit 17
Employee Retention
English for the workplace/Communication in workplace
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think makes the employees stay in a company?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. turnover (n.) 公司人員流動
When will the turnover happen?
2. retain (v.) 留住某人
How can we retain more employees?
3. desirable (adj.) 稱心如意的
Is the job really desirable?
4. exit interview (n.) 離職面試
Did you do the exit interview?
5. notoriously (n.) 聲名狼藉的
The company is notoriously known to be bad.
6. room for growth (phr.) 發展空間
The company needs room for growth.
7. undesirable (adj.) 不合心意的
The job is undesirable.
8. reinforce (v.) 加強
We need to reinforce our employee support.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Zack, what do you think about our turnover numbers?

Well it’s definitely something we need to deal with. At the moment, we have a 30% turnover rate. We need to find out what we are doing wrong, so that we can retain more of our desirable employees.
嗯,這的確是我們需要加強的。 目前我們的公司人員流動率為30%。 我們要看看我們是不是哪裡做的不夠,留住我們想要的員工。

Were you able to go through the exit interview feedback?

Yes, I found various reasons for our former employees’ decision to leave the company. I’ve grouped them into three categories. First we have the group of people who left due to a notoriously bad manager.
Then we have the group of people who left the company because there was no room for growth in the company. And lastly, we have the group of people who left for unspecified reasons.
是的,我發現大部分原因都是之前的員工自動離職。 我把它們分為了三大類。 第一類是因為他們聲名狼藉的上司。
然後就是因為覺得公司沒有自己發展空間而離職的。 最後就是未說明具體原因而離職的。

Ok, were you able to categorize the former employees as desirable or undesirable employees?

Yes, I managed to do that. A large number of our former employees were categorized as desirable employees. That means we need to start looking into how to keep those employees.

Ok. Well, you mentioned previously some of our exiting employees weren’t happy with their managers. We need to make sure our managers are qualified and fit for the job. They need to reinforce open communication, provide meaningful feedback and inspire employees to work together.

I’ll look at ways of helping them become more effective managers and we can
discuss it during our next meeting.

Ok…Now, what do you think we can do about lack of growth within our company?
好的… 那麼你覺得,對於公司發展空間不大我們能做什麼呢?

Yeah, I like that idea. What about motivation?

That’s another issue. Our current compensation structure doesn’t really reflect performance. Money wasn’t the number one issue pertaining to retention, but it has a big impact when it’s seen as merit-based.
那是另一個問題。 我們目前的薪資結構並不能反映工作表現。 錢在留住人才方面並不是最主要的問題,但是當它 業績挂鉤的時候影響就很大了。

Ok, we could look into changing that.

Lastly, we should also focus on the recruitment process to ensure that our potential employees have the right job fit with the position.

Yeah, I agree. We thought of some really good ideas. How about we head out to lunch and continue where we left off, after.
嗯,我同意。 我們想到了一些不錯的點子。 現在我們出去吃個午飯,回來再繼續談剩下的怎麼樣?
Let's Practice
Make it right.
At the moment, we have a 30% ______ rate.
First we have the group of people who left _____ to a notoriously bad manager.
“They need to reinforce open communication, “means: _____.
A.They need to strengthen open communication.
B.They need to force open communication.
C.They need to enhance open communication.
D.They need to be forceful for open communication.
Well, the exit interview ________ tells us that part of the problem is job satisfaction.
Our __(1.)__ compensation structure doesn’t really __(2.)__ performance. Money wasn’t the number one issue pertaining to retention, but it has a big __(3.)__ when it’s seen as merit-based.
merit / reflect / present / current / effect / impact
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How do you define a good company?