Unit 15
Negotiations skills
English for the workplace/Communication skills
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Have you ever experienced negotiating with someone? What was your negotiation all about?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. accommodating (adj.) 樂於助人的
Be accommodating to the clients.
2. preserve (v.) 保存,維護
Preserve the good products for the old buyers.
3. confrontational (n.) 挑釁的
He is a very confrontational person.
4. arduous (n.) 艱巨的
They went on an arduous journey.
5. obstinate (adj.) 頑固的
Be obstinate about what you want.
6. sensitive (adj.) 敏感的
Do not be too sensitive about the topic.
7. emotional state (phr.) 情緒狀態
Your emotional state is so unstable.
8. body language (n.) 肢體語言
Interpret their body language correctly.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Good afternoon everyone. Today we’ll be talking about negotiation styles.
The negotiation style used depends on the context and the interests of the other party as well as other factors.
First, I’d like to introduce the accommodating style. Individuals who have this leadership style like solving problems the other party has and they tend to preserve their personal relationships. An accommodator tends to be sensitive to the emotional state, body language, and verbal cues of the other parties.
Next, we have the avoiding style. These individuals don’t like to negotiate. When they are negotiating they tend to dodge the confrontational aspects of negotiating.
Third, we have the collaborating style. These individuals enjoy solving arduous problems. They tend to be good at using negotiations to understand the concerns and interests of the other parties.
大家下午好。 今天我們要討論一下談判風格。 談判風格通常取決於談話內容及對方的興趣及其他要素。
首先我想介紹的是調和型。 這種風格的人一般是更喜歡幫助對方解決問題的領導型人群,也喜歡強調他們之間的個人 關係。 調和型的人對對方的情感、肢體語言、及語言暗示都比較敏感。
接下來一種是迴避型。 這類人不喜歡談判,當他們面對談判的時候通常會選擇避免對抗性的談判。
第三,我滿要說說合作型。 這類人享受解決問題的過程。 他們對運用談判技巧來理解對方的興趣非常在行。

Fourth, we have the competing style. In this style, individuals enjoy the negotiation process because they enjoy competing and winning. These individuals often neglect the importance of relationships.
Lastly, we have the compromising style. These individuals who use this style are usually eager to close the deal; they do so by compromising fairly and equally.
Now we’ll talk about types of negotiators. While I talk about these types of negotiators, keep in mind what negotiation style they are likely to use. So, let’s look at three basic types of negotiator.
First we have the soft bargainers, they tend to be gentle when bargaining.
These negotiators usually yield to what the other party wants. They try to avoid confrontation and like to maintain a solid friendship with the other party.
第四點是競爭型。 在這種談判方式中,這類人享受談判過程,因為他們喜歡競爭及勝利的滋味。 這類人不太重視雙方 關係的重要性。
最後我們要說說妥協型。 使用這種方式的這些人通常很急於解決問題,他們會為此折中合作達成共識。
現在我們來談談不同類型的談判者。 在我說這些談判者的時候,記住他們比較常用的談判方式。 那麼,我們來看看三 種基本的談判者。
首先我們先說說溫柔的對手,他們在談判的時候很溫和。 這類談判者通常會對對方的期許讓步。 他們會避免對抗局面,喜歡和對方保持深厚的友誼。

The second type of negotiator is the hard bargainer. These individuals use contentious strategies to influence. They use phrases such as “this is my final offer” and “take it or leave it.” They see others as adversaries and their goal is victory. They are obstinate and stick to one single thing to be agreed on.
The third type of negotiator is the principled negotiator. These individuals tend to look for an integrative solution. They focus on the problem rather than the intentions, motives, and needs of the people involved.
That’s it for negotiation styles.
首先我們先說說溫柔的對手,他們在談判的時候很溫和。 這類談判者通常會對對方的期許讓步。 他們會避免對抗局面,喜歡和對方保持深厚的友誼。
第二種是強硬的對手。 這類人用強勢的手段來影響他人。 他們會有「這是我的最後報價」或是「要麼接受要麼放棄」之類的話。 他們把對方當做競爭對手,而他們的目標就是取得勝利。 他們比較固執,堅持只有一種情況能達成共識。
Let's Practice
Make it right.
First, I’d like to introduce the _______style.
First we have the soft ____.
“solving arduous problems. ” means: _____ .
A.solving easy problems.
B.solving different problems.
C.solving difficult problems.
D.solving urgent problems.
Third, we have the collaborating ________.
__(1.)__ who have this leadership ___(2.)___ like solving problems the other party has and they tend to ___(3.)___ their personal relationships.
People / save / preserve / Individuals/way / style
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What do you think are the characteristics of a good negotiator?