Unit 12
Effective Business writing – Part 2
English for the workplace/Communication in workplace
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Give an example of an appropriate email greeting.
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. powerful (adj.) 強有力的
Your essay is powerful, it moved me.
2. active (adj.) 主動的;積極的
He became an active social reformer.
3. passive (adj.)被動的
His response was passive.
4. process (n.)消化
The process is long, but you can do it.
5. run-on sentences (n.) 粘連句
Avoid run-on sentences.
6. emphasize (v.)强调
Emphasize how happy you are for the reply.
7. visual (adj.) 視覺的
Create a header that is visual and pleasing.
8. purpose (n.) 目的
State your purpose in writing an email.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hello! Today we’re continuing our presentation on “Effective Business Writing.” For all of those who weren’t here for part one, my name is Diana and I am from the Economics Department at JR University. Today we’ll be talking about ways to make business writing effective in the fast-paced world of Business.
So, the first point we’ll talk about is to use powerful language when writing. First, you must use an active voice in your writing. When you use an active voice it takes less time for the reader to process than when using a passive voice.
Secondly, use verbs and don’t turn them into nouns. Turning verbs into nouns will make it harder for the reader to process what they are reading. Lastly, avoid sounding like you’re not sure. For example, “I feel that this report could use….” sounds weak. “This report needs….” sounds a lot stronger. The next point is to keep it simple!
大家好! 今天我們要繼續講一下“高效商務寫作」。 第一次講座沒有參加的人,我介紹一下我叫Diana,來自JR大學 經濟學院。 今天我們要講一下快節奏的商務領域中高效的商務寫作方式。
所以我們要講的第一點是用強有力的語言書寫。 首先,寫作的時候你必須用主動語態。 用主動語態要比用被動語態, 讓讀的人用更少的時間消化。
第二,使用動詞而不要用名詞。 把動詞變成名詞會讓讀者讀的時候更費勁。 最後,避免讓自己聽起來不夠肯定。 比 如,”我覺得這份報告可以…”聽起來沒有氣勢。 “這份報告需要…”聽起來更強勢。 還有一點是言簡意賅!

The first step to keeping it simple is to write shorter sentences. Keep your business writing at about 8-11 words per sentence. Don’t write run-on sentences.
The second step is to get to the point. Your first sentence should be powerful enough to keep the reader interested. And your last sentence should emphasize the purpose of the letter. Now, we will talk about how to write effective emails.
The first step to writing effective emails is to make your page visual. Use lists, headings, labels, underlining, spacing and bolding to direct the readers’ eye to important information.
言簡意賅的第一步就是用短句書寫。 把你一句話內的字數控制在8-11個單。
第二步是一針見血。 你的第一句話應該足夠強有力讓讀者繼續閱讀。 而且你的最後一句話應該強調這封信的目的。 現在我們要說一說怎麼高效的寫郵件。
高效寫郵件的第一步是讓你的頁面視覺上舒適。 用清單、標題、標籤、下劃線、空格和粗體來引領讀者看到重要的信息。

Make sure to always write an attention-grabbing subject line. Put specific information on the subject line of an email. Make sure it catches the readers’ attention. And remember to keep the email short and write the way you would speak. Also, to avoid puzzling readers keep the email to one subject.
Next, write a message that shows the right tone; you don’t want any misinterpretations. Don’t write anything that’ll sound like you’re trying to pick a fight with the reader. Always remember to proofread your email. And lastly, use email shorthand. Using BTW can shorten words like, by the way.
Well that’s the end of our two-part presentation. I hope you found this presentation useful and make sure to start using these tips today!
保證你的郵件主題總是有吸引力的。 在郵件裡寫清具體的資訊。 保證它能抓住讀者的注意力,並且記住郵件要簡短,並用你平時說話的語氣寫。 而且,避免主題內容含糊不清。
接下來,用正確的語調寫資訊,你不想別人誤解你的意思。 不要用好像在挑讀者的刺的語氣寫東西。 一直要記得發送前修訂一遍。 最後,用郵件的縮寫。 比如「順便說一句」的縮寫就是BTW。
這是第二部分演講的結束。 我希望這次的演講對大家有説明,希望大家從今天開始用到這些要點!
Let's Practice
Make it right.
Make sure to always ________an attention-grabbing subject line.
Also, to ______ puzzling readers, keep the email to one subject.
“Always remember to proofread your email.” means: ____.
A.Remember to review your email.
B.Remember to revise your email.
C.Remember to rephrase your email.
D.Remember to analyze your email.
Put ________ information on the subject line of an email.
And your last sentence should ___(1.)___ the ___(2.)___ of the letter. Now, we will talk about how to write ___(3.)___ emails.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What will be in your email, aside from the letter itself?