
Unit 06
Meeting skills

English for the workplace/Communication in workplace


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

Have you ever experienced being in a meeting? How did you prepare for it?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. corporate trainer (phr.) 企業培訓師
Jay is an awesome corporate trainer.

2. seminar (n.) 研討會
Did you enjoy the seminar?

3. subsets (n.) 細分小組
There are two subsets that we need to discuss.

4. goal setting (phr.) 目標設定
To succeed, practice goal setting.

5. determined (phr.) 決定
Are you determined in reaching your goals?

6. classifications (n.) 類別
What are the classifications that we need?

7. carry it out (n.) 施行
We need to carry it out to succeed.

8. setup (n.) 佈置
Is the meeting setup okay?


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Ok, first of all, I want to thank everyone for being here today. I think I know most of you here, but for those who don’t know me, I’m Molly, the corporate trainer here at Professional Computers Corporation.

In today’s seminar, we are going to look at how to hold effective meetings.
For starters, to have an effective meeting, we need to understand the purpose or the objective of the meeting.

There are two major types of meetings which can be classified depending on their purpose. We have information meetings and decision-making meetings. Within each of these, there are two subsets. An information meeting can be either advising and updating or selling. And a decision-making meeting can
be about problem solving or policy and goal setting.

Understanding these classifications is important because each kind of meeting should be conducted differently. After you’ve determined what kind of meeting you need, there are many different elements to assess in order to successfully carry it out. Let’s take a look at some of these now…

First of all, you first need to think about the number of attendees and who should join. For information meetings, this is simple. Any number of people can be equally effective and those who should come are those who need to know. However, with decision-making meetings, a smaller meeting is more beneficial, with no more than 12 people. With this limited size, it’s important that it only be those people who are responsible and who can contribute.

Other elements to consider are the communication process and the meeting room setup. With information meetings, the communication is usually one way. The leader simply speaks to the participants. Because of this, a classroom style setup is most effective, with the participants facing the front of the room.

As we now know, decision-making meetings are significantly smaller. There should be much more interactive communication between all members. To facilitate this better, it’s ideal to have the participants facing each other in more of a conference style setup.

Planning and preparation is very important with information meetings. The emphasis should be on the content and your answers to potential questions. With decision-making meetings, the focus is more about the actual interaction and problem solving. Therefore, the key to success is to ensure that the meeting environment supports open, free expression.

Finally, it’s important to remember that this isn’t completely black and white. Sometimes a meeting could combine both types. In this case, you might have to start the meeting one way and end it another. And that’s totally fine!

Now, to conclude, I’d like to open it up to any questions you may have. But first, can anyone tell me what kind of meeting this was?

好,首先,我想感謝大家今天到場。 我想在場的大多數都認識我,不認識我的,我叫Molly,是專業計算機公司的企 業培訓師。

今天的研討會,我們要看看怎麼開展一個高效的會議。 首先,要開展高效的會議我們必須理解會議的目的或目標。

根據會議目的的不同可分為兩種。 我們有資訊會議和決策會議。 這兩種會議下還各自細分有兩類,資訊會議的內容一般是提出建議、更新資訊或是銷售。 而決策會議一般包括解決問題或是策略以及制定目標。

理解這些分類是很重要的,因為每個會議開展的方式都不同。 在決定你要開哪種會議之後,可以通過許多不同要素以保證會議順利展開。 現在我們就來看一下這些要素…

首先,你得先想想要出席會議的人數。 像資訊會議,這很簡單。 任何相關人士或是需要知道會議內容的人員都應該參加。 而像決策會議,人數越少效率越高,最好不要超過12個人。 像這樣有限的人數,負責人或是能做出貢獻的人參加就可以了。

其他要素包括溝通環節以及會議室的佈置。 像資訊會議通常溝通是單向的。 領導只要向出席者演講。 因此,像教室一樣的佈置是最適合的,因為所有受眾都面向同一方向。

現在我們知道的,決策會議規模都是很小的。 它需要所有成員親密的溝通。 而為了更好的促進溝通,佈置成所有成員互相面對面的格局最好。

計劃和準備對於資訊會議來說非常重要,重點在於準備你要講的內容及可能提出的問題的答案。 而對於決策會議來說更側重於相互溝通及問題解決。 所以,成功舉辦會議的關鍵在於保證開放和自由表達的會議環境。

最後,很重要的一點是記住這不是絕對的。 有些時候會議的性質上述兩者皆是。 這樣的話,會議可能是以一種形式開始又以另一種形式結束。 這也是完全沒問題的!

現在,總結一下,我很樂意回答你們提出的任何問題。 但首先,有人能告訴我我們這次會議是什麼性質的嗎?

Let's Practice

Make it right.

In today’ s _________, we are going to look at how to hold effective meetings.


First of all, you first need to think about the number of ______ and who should join.


“To facilitate this better,” means: ____.

A.to do this better.
B.to easily do this better.
C.to monitor this better.
D.to address this better.

First of all, you first need to think about the number of ____ and who should join.


In todays seminar, we are going to look at how to hold __(1.)____ meetings. For ___(2.)____, to have an effective meeting, we need to understand the ___(3.)____ or the objective of the meeting.

affect / starting / starters / goal / purpose / effective 


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.What do you think are the meeting skills that you need to have?