
Unit 04
What should I order?

Travel Abroad/Restaurant


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

What is the name of your favorite restaurant? Why is it your favorite?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. start you two off with (phr.) 為你們倆開始
Should I start you two off with water?

2. appetizers (v.) 開胃菜,前菜
What appetizers do you serve?

3. vegetarian (n.) 素的
I am vegetarian, do you have no-meat meals?

4. specialties (n.) 特色菜
What are your specialties?

5. eggplant (n.) 茄子
I am allergic to eggplant.

6. merlot (n.) 梅爾洛(紅酒一種)
The merlot wine is so delicious!

7. pairs (n.) 搭配
Our merlot pairs are delicious with bread.

8. suggest (v.) 建議
What drink would you suggest?


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Good evening and welcome to Mario’s Pizzeria. My name is James and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you two off with some water?
晚上好,歡迎來到馬里奧披薩店。 我叫James,今天晚上我會是你們的服務生。 我能先為二位倒點水嗎?

That would be great, thank you. We’re looking at your appetizers here… do you have anything vegetarian?
那太好了,謝謝。 我們正在看你們的開胃菜… 你們有素食的嗎?

We sure do. We have the fried eggplant or you could try our garlic cheese bread; it’s one of our specialties.
當然有。 我們有煎茄子,或者你可以試試我們的蒜蓉芝士麵包,這是我們的特色菜之一。

Ok, we’ll take the cheese bread as an appetizer please.

May I suggest a glass of one of our house wines this evening as well? Our merlot pairs very well with the garlic cheese bread.

Yeah, I’ll take a glass of merlot.

I’d prefer a glass of chardonnay please. And I’d like a side salad to start with as well. Italian dressing on the side.
雖然我已經叫我的市場調查團隊今天中午前把數據給我,他們還是告訴我他們來不及做。 而且,最糟糕的是,David這整個星期都在偷懶。 雖然他以前是我最得力的助手,但現在我就要向上級報告了!

Of course. I’ll grab your wine while you look over the rest of the menu. Here is your wine. Have you two decided on your main entrees or do you have any
other questions about the menu?
這是你的酒。 二位想好主菜要點什麼了嗎? 或者你們對菜單有別的問題嗎?

Well… I’m torn between the seafood spaghetti and the cheese tortellini. What do you recommend?
嗯… 我在糾結是要點海鮮意面還是芝士雲吞。 你推薦哪一個?

Our seafood spaghetti is by far our most popular dish. We have fresh seafood flown in daily. However, our cheese tortellini is excellent as well; it’s just very filling. They are both great, but I would suggest the spaghetti between the two.
我們的海鮮意面是餐廳最最受歡迎的菜。 我們每天都會進新鮮的海鮮。 不過我們的芝士雲吞也很棒,但是這個很容易 飽。 這兩個都很棒,但兩者相比我會推薦海鮮意面。

Sounds good, I’ll have that then. And she would like the vegetarian lasagna. And   that’ll be it for now.
好啊,那我就要海鮮意面了。 她要素食千層面。 現在就先點這些。

I’ll get your order in right away. Let me know if you need anything else in the meantime.
我馬上就為你們下單。 如果還有需要可以叫我。

Let's Practice

Make it right.

A : ______.
B :That would be great, thank you.

1. Can I start you two off with some water?
2. Can I start you two on with some water?

A : And I’d like a side salad to start with as well. Italian dressing on the side.
B : ______.

1.Of course.
2.I’d prefer a glass of chardonnay please.

They are both great, but I would _______ the spaghetti between the two.


May I suggest a ________ of one of our house wines this evening as well?

“I’m torn between the seafood spaghetti,” means: _____.

A.I am having a hard time to choose.
B.I am being ripped apart.
C.I am choosing hard.
D.I am tearing apart.

Have you two decided on your main entrees or do you have any other ____ about the menu?


Our seafood __(1.)____ is by far our most popular dish. We have fresh ___(2.)______ flown in daily. However, our cheese tortellini is excellent as well; it’s just very ___(3.)____.

filling /  pasta / sea fishes / sea food / spaghetti / fulfilling


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.How do you order your favorite food? Pretend that your teacher is the waiter, and tell him / her about the order.