Unit 47
Shopping for jewelry
Travel Abroa/Shopping
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Do you like wearing jewelries? Why or why not?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. necklace (n.) 項鍊
A necklace of silver, glass and amber.
2. fancy (v.) 昂貴的;精緻的
Did you see the fancy car over the way?
3. silver (n.) 銀的
He won a silver medal at the European Championships.
4. pair with 和……搭配
Pair it with a T-shirt and low sandals.
搭配 T 恤和低跟涼鞋。
5. It’s not me 不適合我
How do you know it’s not me?
6. stones (n.) 寶石;鑽石
I was afraid of starting a slide of loose stones.
我害怕開始滑石 。
7. earrings (n.) 耳環
Do those earrings clip on?
8. pierced (adj.) 穿孔,刺穿
She’s had her ears pierced.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Wow! Look at that necklace! It’s beautiful!

It is. Do you want to go into the store?

Sure. They have nice fashion jewelry, and I need something fancy for Anna’s wedding.

Right. How about this silver ring? It’s simple and easy to pair with clothes.

It’s nice, but it’s not me. I usually wear gold and prefer necklaces. Like that one over there!

That one’s very you. I love the blue stones and it comes with cute earrings too.

They are cute! But I don’t have my ears pierced.

What? You should get them done! It won’t hurt.

I don’t know. Should I?

Yes! Let’s do it today! They’ll take 2 months to heal, and I can get some earrings for your birthday.

Oh, all right! But this better not hurt!
Read the article aloud with your teacher.
Ear piercing tradition is said to have started about 5000 years ago by the Europe’s oldest mummy named Otzi, who was found on the border between Austria and Italy with her ears pierced.
Other ancient proofs of ear piercing, as a fashion or a tradition, are the carved images of soldiers who had their ear lobes pierced on the walls of the Persian Empire.
It’s also said that the pharaoh, Tutankhamun (yes! you can also call him King Tut) who was the king of the new Empire Period also had his ears pierced. The proof of it lies in his death mask in which the ears were holed as well but the holes were covered with discs.
The tradition of wearing earrings became famous in Western Europe at the time of English Renaissance i.e. in late 16th century. It’s said that at that time and even before it, earrings were most worn by sailors who wore them for 2 reasons: a few of them perforated their ears as a symbol of achieving an accomplishment of having sailed the world, or crossing the equator successfully. While others had a perception that perforation of their ear would improve their eyesight.
However in the 16th century ear piercing became a high end fashion among the gentlemen who would wear gold, stone or pearl earrings to show off their elite status.
Now fast forward to today ear piercing shops are very common.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Do jewelries contribute to your image? Why do you think so?
2.Do jewelries have value? What jewelries can you exchange for money?
3.What jewelry do you think will suit you?
4.Is piercing your ears good? Why? Or why not?