Singles on Valentine’s Day

Unit 49
Singles on Valentine’s Day

Oversea life/Understanding culture


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

How do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. Valentine’s Day (n.) 情人節
You’d never go solo on Valentine’s Day.

2. celebrate (v.) 慶祝,慶賀
How did you celebrate the millennium?

3. single (adj.) 單身的,未婚的
He’s been single for so long now, I don’t think he’ll ever marry.

4. big deal (n.) 重要的事或人
If I don’t win it’s no big deal.

5. freedom (n.) 自由
Freedom is a slippery concept.

6. alone (adj.) 單獨的;孤單的
It was pleasant to be alone again.

7. massage (n.) 按摩
A massage may relieve your back pain.

8. meet up 碰頭,相聚,會面
Let’s meet up at our old stomping grounds.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

HHey Jen, Valentine’s Day is finally ere! Do you have a date tonight?

No. I don’t think I’ll celebrate it this year. Do you and Brad have big plans?

Yeah, he’s taking me to my favorite restaurant. He’d better buy me white roses and a nice gift, too!

Sounds nice. Now that I’m single, I don’t think Valentine’s Day is such a big deal.

Don’t you miss having a boyfriend? It’s so nice being in a relationship.

A little, but I enjoy the single life. I have so much freedom.

So you’ll be alone today?

Nope! I plan to get a massage this afternoon, then meet up with my single friends to do karaoke.

That actually sounds really fun.

You and Brad should join us after your dinner!


Read the article aloud with your teacher.


Learn about Singles Day

Singles Day is a Chinese holiday observed every year on November 11th. The day was created to celebrate being single.

The gender disparity has helped to create a culture of bachelors in China. Some of these bachelors chose to embrace singlehood and hence, Singles Day was created. Since Singles Day was created by men, it is also referred to as Bachelors Day. Today, however, both men and women celebrate the day.


Besides shopping, people in China celebrate Singles Day in other ways. Many singles organize blind date parties in order to meet other singles. Universities organize special programs and activities. Chinese celebrities come out in full force with concerts and special performances. Some people even celebrate this day by expressing their desire to find a partner or spouse. Still others choose to get married on this day. In 2011, 4,000 couples in Beijing tied the knot on Singles Day. Here are some other ways to participate :

•Host a singles-only party in your home
•Do fun activities with other singles like bowling, going to the movies, or eating out
•Express your thoughts about being single in a poem, blog post, or essay
•Celebrate the day by going shopping
•Watch one of these movies about being single
•If you’re not single but know someone who is, buy them coffee or take them out for lunch

Share this day on social media with #SinglesDay !


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.What do you think are the valentine’s day activities that you can do with your family?
2.What are the valentine’s day activities that you would love to spend with your boy/girlfriend?
3.What are the valentine’s day activities that you can still enjoy even though you are single?