01. Letter Aa 1/2
01. Letter Aa 2/2
02. Letter Bb 1/2
02. Letter Bb 2/2
03. Letter Cc 1/2
03. Letter Cc 2/2
04. Letter Dd 1/2
04. Letter Dd 2/2
05. Letter Ee 1/2
05. Letter Ee 2/2
06. Letter Ff 1/2
06. Letter Ff 2/2
07. Letter Gg 1/2
07. Letter Gg 2/2
08. Letter Hh 1/2
08. Letter Hh 2/2
09. Letter Ii 1/2
09. Letter Ii 2/2
10. Letter Jj 1/2
10. Letter Jj 2/2
11. Letter Kk 1/2
11. Letter Kk 2/2
12. Letter Ll 1/2
12. Letter Ll 2/2
13. Letter Mm 1/2
13. Letter Mm 2/2
14. Letter Nn 1/2
14. Letter Nn 2/2
15. Letter Oo 1/2
15. Letter Oo 2/2
16. Letter Pp 1/2
16. Letter Pp 2/2
17. Letter Qq 1/2
17. Letter Qq 2/2
18. Letter Rr 1/2
18. Letter Rr 2/2
19. Letter Ss 1/2
19. Letter Ss 2/2
20. Letter Tt 1/2
20. Letter Tt 2/2
21. Letter Uu 1/2
21. Letter Uu 2/2
22. Letter Vv 1/2
22. Letter Vv 2/2
23. Letter Ww 1/2
23. Letter Ww 2/2
24. Letter Xx 1/2
24. Letter Xx 2/2
25. Letter Yy 1/2
25. Letter Yy 2/2
26. Letter Zz 1/2
26. Letter Zz 2/2
27. Letters a-z review
28. Alphabet Letter Sounds 1/2
28. Alphabet Letter Sounds 2/2
29. Final chapter of letters a-z review game
01. CVC word
02. CVC word
03. CVC word
04. CVC word
05. CVC word
06. CVC word
07. CVC word
08. CVC word
09. CVC word
10. CVC word
11. CVC review 1/3
11. CVC review 2/3
11. CVC review 3/3
12. CVC game 1/3
12. CVC game 2/3
12. CVC game 3/3
13. CVCC word
14. CVCC word
15. CVCC word
16. CVCC word
17. CVCC word
18. CVCC word review
19. Change one letter game
01. ai
02. air
03. an
04. ar
05. au
06. aw
07. ay
08. ea
09. ear
10. ee
11. er
12. ew
13. ew 2
14. ie
15. oa
16. oi
17. long oo
18. short oo
19. or
20. ou
21. ow
22. oy
23. ue
24. ur
25. ure
26. ch
27. gn
28. igh
29. kn
30. ng
31. ph
32. qu
33. sh
34. th
35. wh
36. a-e
37. e-e
38. i-e
39. o-e
40. u-e
41. u-e 2
42. quick read review
43. vowel a
44. vowel e
45. vowel i
46. vowel o
47. vowel u
48. vowel review 1/3
48. vowel review 2/3
48. vowel review 3/3
50. final chapter of quick read review game
01. -am word family
02. -an word family
03. -ap word family
04. -at word family
05. -ed word family
06. -et word family
07. -ig word family
08. -in word family
09. -it word family
10. -og word family
11. -ot word family
12. -ug word family
13. -un word family
14. rhyming words
15. rhyming words
16. rhyming words
17. rhyming words
18. rhyming words
19. rhyming words
20. rhyming words
21. rhyming words
22. tricky words on bees
01. snake in the sand introducing s
02. amazing apples-introducing a
03. the toy’s tea party-introducing t
04. the new puppy-introducing p
05. review-s, a, t and p
06. moving house-introducing h
07. Sam’s cricket bat-introducing b
08. the tooth fairy-introducing f
09. licking lollies-introducing l
10. review-h, b, h and l
11. Izzy the busy insect-introducing i
12. nip and the nuts-introducing n
13. making meatballs-introducing m
14. Kit’s drum kit-introducing d
15. review-i, n, m and d
16. the new girl-introducing g
17. orange juice-introducing o
18. curly caterpillars-introducing c
19. Kit’s kit-introducing k
20. review-g, o, c and k
21. the duck pond-introducing ck
22. breakfast eggs-introducing e
23. a rainy day-introducing u
24. rick the robot-introducing r
25. review-ck, e, u and r
26. the power cut-introducing ff
27. the missing school bell-introducing ll
28. the wedding anniversary-introdcuing ss
29. dad runs-introducing s saying/z/
30. review ff, ll, ss and s
31. jetting off-introducing j
32. Jack Forst’s visit-introducing v
32. yoyo surprise-introducing y
33. feather find-introdcuing th(voiced)
33. jumping in the waves-introducing w
34. buried treasure-introducing x
35. review
36. the dark
37. at the river
38. at the pool
38. big shop
39. at the pool
40. the lightning
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