Unit 16
Intellectual Property
Rights Trouble
Workplace English/Workplace Communication
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think are the consequences of not respecting the Intellectual Property Rights of others?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. legal counsel (phr.) 律師樓、法律顧問
Before taking actions, seek legal counsel first.
2. stock image (phr.) 圖庫圖片
You can get a stock image at google for free.
3. damages (n.) 損失、賠償
How would you pay for the damage you caused?
4. in excess of (phr.) 多於
They are requesting damages in excess of $12,000.
5. in question (idi.) 在議的
The person in question, is absent.
6. ludicrous (adj.) 荒謬
Stop making ludicrous decisions!
7. crunch (v.) 關鍵
Can you crunch the numbers and give it to me?
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Elijah, could I speak to you.


I received a letter today from the legal counsel of a stock image site detailing how one of our sites illegally used their stock images. They are requesting damages in excess of $12,000. The site in question was the one you designed last month, Elijah.

That’s completely ludicrous. I admit that I used some stock images for the project when I was under a deadline crunch, but it was my understanding that they were royalty-free. I’ve used their images plenty of times for personal projects and have never had an issue. This makes no sense.

Apparently the images are in fact royalty-free, but that does not apply to commercial use. And the project you were designing was, of course, a commercial project.

Oh god, I’m so sorry. This is entirely my fault. I should’ve known better that commercial projects function differently in the legal realm in regards to intellectual property rights. I take full responsibility for this oversight.

Ok. I am going to write an official warning letter to you regarding this mess up. This is really unacceptable Elijah – if this happens again, we will have to let you go. Are you completely clear about this?
好的。我要就這個爛攤子寫一封正式的警告信。這真的不能接受 Elijah——如果再發生一次我們就要讓你離開。你明白了嗎?

Crystal clear. I will make sure this never happens again.

Good, because our company can’t take unnecessary hits like this all the time. Please work with your team head to ensure that the budget is allocated such that you can purchase images to circumvent situations like this entirely. Either that or use images that are under creative commons license.

Understood. I will start working with my team head on our project budget guidelines right now.
Using peoples’ names when talking to them
When talking directly to someone, normally one simply uses the word “you” to address them. However, using their name to address them as well can have a number of different connotations. In friendly contexts, occasionally using someone‘s name to address them can infer a greater sense of intimacy and closeness. In contexts such as this dialogue, using someone’s name is a way to sound stricter and more stern. As you will see, the boss in this lesson uses Elijah‘s name many times when reprimanding him. By doing this, his statements have a stronger impact than simply saying “you”.
1. This is super fun Stephanie! Thank you so much for inviting me out to go paint balling. It’s a blast.
2. You need to understand, Eva, that this sort of behavior is completely unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
3. Why did you do that Evan?! You completely screwed our team over and now we’re definitely going to be disqualified.
4. _____________________________________________________________________.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think is it important to respect Intellectual Property?