Unit 07
Annual Audit
Workplace English/Workplace Communication
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think is an Audit?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. annual audit (phr.) 年審
We shall conduct our annual audit.
2. compliance (n.) 服從
Those documents are needed for our compliance.
3. accounting procedures (phr.) 會計流程
You should follow the accounting procedures.
4. bookkeeping (n.) 記帳
Do you know someone who is good at bookkeeping?
5. internal controls (n.) 內部控制
The Director holds the internal controls.
6. adequate (adj.) 適當的
The funds should be adequate this year.
7. disclosing (n.) 公開
We will not be disclosing important information.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

As you are the finance manager of the company, Helen, I wanted to talk to you about your role in assisting with our very first annual audit. The company has decided that this will become a yearly process in order to ensure that we are in compliance with accounting standards, to assess our accounting procedures, verify the accuracy of our bookkeeping, and to make sure there is no financial mismanagement.
Helen你作為公司的財務經理,我想和你談談我們第一次的年度審計時候你要協助的事情。公司決定我們每年都會有 一次年度審計,為了確保我們的財務狀況符合會計標準,評估我們的會計程序,認證我們記賬的準確性,保證沒有財務 管理不善的事情發生。

Yes, Dave. I believe that it is very important for the company to make sure that our financial systems are operating properly. What exactly will be involved in the process?

The auditors will speak to staff members and review our business procedures and processes. All of the company’s financial records and documents will be reviewed. They will test for compliance with policies and procedures. They will also evaluate internal controls to make sure they are adequate and effective.

Will they produce a report disclosing the findings of the audit?

Yes. The auditors will write up a commentary describing the findings of the audit and recommend solutions to any problems they encounter.

That sounds very meticulous and extensive. What will my job responsibilities involve?

You will actively participate in the auditing process. You will be responsible for organizing and providing the accountants with the company’s payroll records, quarterly reports, transaction reports, and financial statements.

Yes. Would I also be giving them information about the company operations and personnel information?

Yes, you will. You must also be prepared to answer additional questions after the audit is completed. It is also extremely important that you review the auditor’s findings before their departure to ensure everything is in order.

Right, I will make sure that I am prepared for this. Do you have an auditing firm in mind or should I begin looking for one?

I don’t have anyone in mind. I’d like for you to do a search for local CPA firms. Look specifically for those firms that specialize in our area of business and that have a good reputation.

Okay. I will get started on it. What is our deadline and budget?

I expect that it should take at least 3 weeks. In terms of the cost, a corporate audit is usually based on hourly billing rates. But it may be possible for us to arrange a flat fee with a firm. On average an audit for a firm our size costs about $350,000.

I think I have all the information to get started right away. I will give you a report with a short list of firms by the end of next week.

Thank you, Helen. Keep me updated on your progress and please let me know if you need my assistance with anything.
Using modal verbs in a sentence
Modal verbs are special verbs which behave very differently from normal verbs. Modal verbs such as must, will, would, and should, precede another verb. Modals do not have subject verb agreement or take the infinitive “to” before the next verb. In the dialogue above, will and would are used in the sentences as certainty. Certainty expresses the degree of how likely something is going to be done or how likely something is going to happen. Must and should are used as necessities in the dialogue above. Necessity expresses a directness in attitude and something that is an obligation or something that is necessary.
1. You will have to work late to finish that project.
2. I think she would be more comfortable working in another department.
3. A closer examination reveals that the subject must be treated with great care.
4. Our findings suggest that health care providers should strive to be sensitive to the needs of their patients.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why is an Auditor important in a company / organization?