Unit 06
Designing a viral video campaign
Workplace English/Communication skills
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What viral video have you watched?
What was it all about?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. viral marketing (n.) 病毒式營銷
We have to design a viral marketing video.
2. generate buzz (phr.) 製造話題
It should generate buzz and become viral.
3. brand awareness (phr.) 品牌意識
The video should also increase brand awareness.
4. word-of-mouth (adj.) 口口相傳
Our product should come from the word-of-mouth of customers.
5. viral video (phr.) 病毒式影片
YouTube is the home of viral videos.
6. social media networks (adj.) 社交媒體網絡
The website has all our social media networks.
7. traction (n.) 關注
The product should gain traction among consumers.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Jason, we need to create a viral marketing campaign to help us generate buzz, and create brand awareness for our new product.

Well, spreading a message through word-of-mouth is the most commonly used technique for getting a brand’s name out there. I’ve studied different ways of doing this and I’d say video is the best approach for our product.

So we’ll need to create a viral video that’ll effectively spread throughout various social media networks. But how do we gain traction to make it go viral?

I was thinking of something along the lines of the SodaStream video. You know, the one with Scarlett Johansson.

Ahh, yes! That’s a good one, but that campaign primarily worked because of Scarlett Johansson. We don’t have the budget for celebrity endorsements.

That’s true. And these campaigns tend to be rather short-lived. Do you have any suggestions?

Hmm…In order to successfully execute this, we’ll need to ensure that the video content can evoke a strong emotional reaction.

Yes, it’ll need to be something that’s provocative. The SodaStream ad got even more buzz from different media channels because it was banned from the Super Bowl; it was forbidden and that made it even more enticing to watch.
是的,應該要比較主動。 SodaStream的廣告因為被超級碗比賽禁播了之後反而在其他媒體頻道上更火了;因為人們更想看看禁播的廣告。

We’ll definitely need to launch our campaign on large platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook! But beforehand, we’ll need to revamp our Facebook page. That web page is so cluttered.

Agreed. Getting back to the video campaign, any ideas around that?

Well, have you seen the Blendtec videos? They featured the blender blending random objects, like iPhones. It had ridiculous amounts of YouTube views. Everyone was talking about it.

Oh, yeah, the “Will it blend?” video series. I remember watching those and thinking of all the things I could blend. After watching those videos, even I bought a Blendtec.

That’s exactly what we want our consumers to do. Our ultimate goal is to generate consumer action. Why do you think it worked?

Well, it was unexpected. People didn’t expect to see a blender blending an iPhone or golf balls. Since people enjoyed it, they shared it with their friends. And before you knew it, the videos went viral.

Yes, unexpectedness is key. But it was also successful because it put the product front and center in the campaign. That’s something we need to do. I don’t want to end up with a viral video that has nothing to do with promoting our product.
Infinitive Phrases
An infinitive phrase is a group of words that contain an infinitive and also include modifiers or objects of the action or state expressed in the infinitive.
As a reminder, an infinitive consists of the word to plus a verb (in its simplest form), and it functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb.
1. I like to eat in the morning.
2. He wants to take his wife to the dinner.
3. The manager wants to talk to you tomorrow.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What do you think makes a video viral?