Unit 04
Leadership Styles
Workplace English/Career Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think is your leadership style? How do you lead?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. dominant (adj.) 主要的
His voice is so dominant all the time.
2. myths (n.) 神話、誤區
What other ancient myths do you like?
3. autocratic (adj.) 獨裁的
Learn to prioritize what is important.
4. subordinates (adj.) 下屬
Treat your subordinates as future leaders of their own.
5. democratic (adj.) 民主的
The way he leads is democratic.
6. laissez-faire (n.) 自由放任主義
The university has a policy of laissez-faire.
7. innovative (adj.) 創新的
Bring out your innovative side!
8. narcissistic (adj.)孤芳自賞的
To be narcissistic is to love yourself too much.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hello, everyone! Today’s lecture will be on leadership styles and myths. I’ll be highlighting some of the more dominant leadership styles and wrap up today’s lesson by discussing some common leadership myths.
The next leadership style is the participative or democratic style. In this style the leader doesn’t make all the decisions, instead the leader shares the decision-making process with his or her group members. This style reflects a more egalitarian way of leading people.
So let’s get started with leadership styles. First, we have the autocratic or authoritarian style. In this leadership style, the decision-making powers are strictly for the leader. The leader doesn’t concern his or herself with any ideas or advice of his or her subordinates. He or she makes all the decisions for the group.
接下來一個領導風格是參與型或民主型。這類的領導者不完全做主,相反的,領導者與他或她的團隊成員們共同做決 定。這類的風格在領導的時候更平等。
那讓我們從領導風格開始講起吧。首先,我們有獨裁式的或獨裁主義式的風格。在這種領導風格中,決定權完全在領 導者手中。領導者完全不考慮下屬提出的意見或建議,他為整個團隊做了決定。

Laissez-faire style focuses on the freedom of not having a leader. There is no leadership and the group usually does the leading on their own. This motivates the subordinates to be creative and innovative.
Next, we have the narcissistic leadership style. In this style, the leader is only concerned in his or her own interest, at the expense of the group members. The characteristics of a narcissistic leadership style are arrogance, dominance and hostility.
Under the toxic leadership style, the leader leaves the company in a worse state than it was. The leader is responsible for the company or group and abuses his power by leaving the company in an inadequate condition.

Now we are at the second part of this lecture. In the latter half, I’ll be discussing common misconceptions about leadership. The first myth is “leadership is innate.” Some people believe that people are born with
leadership skills, but contrary to that belief leadership is not innate. According to Professor Forsyth of Jepson School of Leadership Studies, there is evidence that shows that leadership can develop from hard work and meticulous study or observation.
Another myth is “leadership is possessing power over others.” Forsyth says, “Although leadership is certainly a form of power, it is not demarcated by power over people – rather, it is a power with people that exists as a reciprocal relationship between a leader and his/her followers.” Manipulation and coercion of subordinates is not a leadership requirement.
另一個事例是“領導力支配他人”。 Forsyth說:“雖然領導力是一種力量,但並不是劃分人的等級的力量,而是介於領導者與其追隨者之間的一種互惠關係。 ”操控及強迫下屬並不是領導才能的一種體現。

The next myth is “leadership is positively influential.” Leadership has been known to be negatively influential. A good example of that is a leader with toxic leadership traits. The last myth I’ll be talking about today is “leaders entirely control group outcomes.” This is not always true. The group can have a mind of its own, there can be different personalities in the group that the leader cannot control.
Ok, everyone; I hope you learned a sufficient amount about leadership styles. As MBA students, it’s important to learn about what leadership styles are out there. I hope this information will help you choose which leadership styles you’ll use when you are running a business. Now, does anyone have any questions?
Short Dashes and Long Dashes
Long dashes (em dashes) are mainly used to tell the reader that you’ve jumped into a new (though related) subject, just for a moment. Here’s an example:
You are the friend—the only friend—who offered to help me.
A short dash (en dash) is used to connect numbers, and occasionally words. Words such as “to” or “and.” Here’s an example:
From January-May, I’ll be on maternity leave.
1. The catcher–pitcher relationship is crucial to the success of the LA Dodgers.
2. Monday–Friday, I am available at 6 pm.
3. All three of them—Jim, Dave and Greg—did well in university.
4. I wish you would—oh, never mind.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What do you think makes up a good leader?