Unit 03
Crisis Management
Workplace English/Workplace Communication
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
On a scale of 1-10, how do you rate your crisis management skills?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. recall (v.) 召回
Do you recall giving this to her?
2. bound (adj.) 必定的
You are bound to face challenges.
3. scrutiny (n.) 監督調查
He was interviewed and under scrutiny for 5 minutes.
4. transparent (adj.) 透明的
Your liquidation should be transparent.
5. to break the story (phr.) 公佈消息
I would like to break the story myself.
6. devastate (v.) 毀壞
Issues devastate a company’s image.
7. press (n.) 媒體
She will have an interview with the press.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

I apologize again for the short notice here, but thank you for joining me. As you both know, we’re facing a product recall. I understand that nobody is looking forward to facing a situation like this, but it’s really important that we figure out how to address this with the public ASAP. This will likely cause a bit of a disruption in business and production and we’re bound to deal with some bad press and public scrutiny.

I really can’t believe this… Sherry, how do you propose we get out of this mess?

Well, I’ve been working closely with our crisis management team. And it seems like our best approach is to be as transparent and proactive as possible. I’d like for us to break the story to the public ourselves, rather than letting it leak to the media first. And as the PR Director, I’ll handle those arrangements, but…

Wait, this is ludicrous! Why would we put ourselves out there like that?

Hold on a sec James; let’s hear her out first.

So, I’d like to arrange a recall announcement and schedule a few follow-up interviews. But… I think it would really make a statement if you two could take part in a few of them. We could probably earn a little more respect if they see the CEO and COO take the time and effort to really address this. I think the public would respond better to it.

We’re approaching the end of the quarter and we’ve set some huge sales goals within the company. Not only will we likely not meet these goals, but this could also devastate morale among the company. I really think we should wait a few weeks and let this quarter finish out.

Oh come on James… that’s borderline unethical. I really don’t think that’s an option.

No, it’s not an option. I highly suggest we deal with this head on. We’ve got to do some damage control and mitigate negative publicity. I’ve developed a statement for the press that I’d like for you two, and our Legal Advisors, to review and approve. I’ll read it at the recall announcement and we’ll go from there. As CEO, the final decision is in your hands though, Dan. What are you thinking?
不能這麼做。我強烈建議我們直面問題。我們必須做危機管理,減少負面報導。我已經起草了一份新聞稿,法律顧問會查閱、批准。我會在產品召回的記者會上讀這個新聞稿。 Dan,作為CEO,最終的決定應該由你來做。你怎麼想?

I agree with you, Sherry. I like the approach. And I’m definitely willing to take the time to respond to media inquiries. James, I trust that you are too?
Sherry,我同意你的觀點。我也喜歡這種處理方法。我也非常願意花時間回應媒體的問題。 James,我想你也是吧?

Yea yea, I am…. We’ve really got our work cut out for us though.

Trust me, this will be the best for us in the long run. It may seem like a tough road ahead, but if we do everything we can to get this message out, it’ll earn us high marks from the media and consumers.

Alright… (sigh). Let’s take a look at this press statement…
To be bound to
The word “bound” actually has many meanings in English. Here, we are looking at it as an adjective that is similar to destined, sure or certain. It is a phrase that is used as “to be bound”, depending on the subject and tense.
1. We are bound to win a game someday soon!
2. It was bound to happen eventually.
3. They were bound to be successful business partners.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How do you personally manage a crisis? Recall a problem that you have at school / home / work and tell your teacher how you dealt with it.