Unit 01
Just-in-Time Strategy
Workplace English/Workplace Communication
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What do you think is a strategy?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. obligated (v.) 有責任做
It feels hard to be too much obligated.
2. cost efficient (adj.) 有成本效益的
We need to be cost efficient in our event.
3. redundancies (v.) 裁員
Show us something new and avoid redundancies.
4. implement (n.) 執行,落實
Starting next week, the company will implement a new rule.
5. lead times (n.) 訂貨至交貨的時間
Our previous lead times were longer.
6. efficiency (n.) 效率
How can we increase product efficiency?
7. work stations (n.) 工作站
They repainted our work stations blue!
8. defects (n.) 缺點,缺陷,不足之處
Indecision is his chief defect.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

I called this meeting today in order to discuss our manufacturing plan. As I’m sure you’re all aware, with the credit crunch, and the global financial crisis, we’re obligated to look for more cost efficient ways of producing our goods. We don’t want to have to be looking at redundancies. So, we’ve outlined a brief plan to implement the just-in-time philosophy.

We have two basic points that we want to focus on. First of all, we want to reduce our lead time.

Why would we want to do that? I think this is not an area that really needs to be worked on.

Well, we want to reduce production and delivery lead times for better overall efficiency.

Right, production lead times can be reduced by moving work stations closer together, reducing queue length, like for example, reducing the number of jobs waiting to be processed at a given machine, and improving the coordination and cooperation between successive processes. Delivery lead times can be reduced through close cooperation with suppliers, possibly by inducing suppliers to locate closer to the factory or working with a faster shipping company.

The second point is that we want to require supplier quality assurance and implement a zero defects quality program. We currently have far too many errors that lead to defective items and therefore, they must
be eliminated. A quality control at the source program must be implemented to give workers the personal responsibility for the quality of the work they do, and the authority to stop production when something goes wrong.

I’m with you on this one. It’s essential that we reduce these errors; we’ve got to force our suppliers to reduce their mistakes.

Exactly. Well, let’s look at how we’re going to put this plan into action. First…
The adverb “currently” is used to emphasize the temporal proximity of a state or action.
1. We are currently in need of a new editor for our website. Do you know anyone?
2. The company is currently undergoing restructuring. There will probably be layoffs.
3. Currently, the kingdom is ruled by the White Witch.
4. The Chinese economy is currently undergoing a boom.
5. We are currently out of sliced ham. Do you want turkey instead?
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What is the importance of having a strategy in work/school/life?