Unit 30
The optimal salary to
make you happy
New Knowledge/Self-Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What is the optimal salary that will make you happy?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. optimal (adj.) 最佳的、最理想的
What is the optimal salary for you?
2. in general (phr.) 總體而言
In general, 2,000$ a month is a lot.
3. overwhelmed (adj.) 難以承受、被淹沒
Are you sure that you will not be overwhelmed?
4. take the sting out of (phr.) 更容易承受
If I have enough money, it will take the sting out of hardships.
5. adversities (n.) 困境
A good friend will not desert one in time of adversity.
6. temperament (n.) 性情、性格
The Director’s temperament is bad today.
7. circumstances (n.) 境況、處境
If circumstances are different, will you do it?
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

The more money you make, the happier you will be? Not necessarily.
A recent study from Princeton University found that the optimal number is $75,000 a year.
Two types of happiness:
The researchers used two main categories of happiness for their study:
Type 1: Your changeable, day-to-day mood
Type 2: A deeper sense of satisfaction about how your life is going in general
Why is $75,000 the magic number?
Researchers found that while lower income did not cause sadness itself, it certainly made people feel more overwhelmed by the problems they already had.

Having money helped to take the sting out of adversities.
At $75,000 though, that effect disappears.
For people who earn that much or more, individual temperament and life circumstances have much more sway over their level of happiness.
It seems that at $75,000, most people feel they have enough disposable income to not worry about daily expenses and even do a few things that make them feel good.
It also makes them feel that their life is working out on the whole.
However, the $75,000 benchmark doesn’t make people feel any more jovial in the morning. In other words, it has no impact on their day-to-day happiness.
Keeping up with the Jones’

But it’s not only absolute wealth that’s linked with happiness.
Past research has also found that relative wealth or status – that is, how much more money you have than your neighbors – has a profound impact on your level of happiness as well.
Other ways to say “in general”
Today’s lesson contains two phrases that are pretty similar in meaning: “in general” and “on the whole.” With phrases like these, there are two things going on: Although the two meanings are very connected and to some people might seem identical, there are however a few nuances to keep in mind.
The first meaning is that you are giving a summary of a situation, activity or idea without referring to any particular details about it. The expressions that best fall into this category are:
•In general
•On the whole
•On average
•All in all
•All things considered
The second meaning is more like “mainly,” “mostly,” or “chiefly.” The expressions that best fall into this category are:
•By and large
•To a large extent
•For the most part
Remember that these are just guidelines. A lot of native speakers have never really taken the time to analyze their own speech patterns or vocabulary, so they might use all of the words we listed above totally interchangeably. Below the first three examples come from the first list, and the last three come from the second.
1.All things considered, she’s probably the most qualified candidate for the job.
2.All in all I’d say we did a pretty good job today. Congratulations everybody!
3.Overall, I’m pretty happy with the direction of the project, even if there are a few things I’d like to see changed.
4.I enjoy my job for the most part. I don’t really like the commute though.
5.The books they sell are, by and large, foreign imports.
6.The customer feedback so far has been generally positive.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.If you could have 1 million dollars as a monthly salary, what will you do / buy with it?