Unit 24
How many of your friends are real friends?
New Knowledge/Self-Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
How do you make friends?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. it goes without saying (phr.) 不用說
It goes without saying that friendship is important.
2. reciprocal (adj.) 相互的
Do you think that what they felt was reciprocal?
3. mutual (adj.) 相互的
I like her too. The feeling is mutual.
4. perceived (adj.) 感知到的
He perceived that she was a threat to the friendship.
5. perception (n.) 看法、感覺
Broaden your perception, Mary.
6. fluid (adj.) 靈活的、易變的
Our friendship is fluid. We forgive and adjust.
7. acquaintances (n.) 熟人
Sheena and I are just acquaintances.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

When you call someone a friend, it goes without saying that they also consider you a friend – you like them, they like you, it’s a reciprocal thing.
But a recent MIT study has found that this is probably only true about 50 percent of the time – only half of perceived friendships are actually mutual.
This perception gap is partly caused by our need to maintain a favorable self-image: “We like them; they must like us.”
The definition of friendship has also grown more fluid in this day and age with the rise of social media.
Are your Facebook and WeChat friends really your friends? Or are they acquaintances at best?
Are friendships bound to become more transactional and commoditized as one enters adulthood?

It’s worth the time identifying who among the many people you encounter in life are your true friends.
Who makes time for you? Whose company enlivens, enriches and maybe even humbles you? Whom would you miss? Who would miss you?
While there is no easy or agreed upon definition, what friendships have in common is that they shape us and help us see the world in a new way.
The prefix “en-“
In today’s dialogue, we mentioned that a true friend will enliven and enrich your life. As you can clearly see, both of these words share the prefix “en-”. Originally, words using this prefix were of French origin, but over time English has adapted this prefix to mean something like “cause [someone/something] to be in the state named by the stem”. Of course that general meaning can’t apply perfectly to all examples, but it’s a good way to understand the make-up of the word. Let’s take a look at a few more examples:
•to encourage : to give someone courage
•to enslave : to make someone a slave, cause their slavery.
•to ensure : to make sure
•to endear : to make someone else like you
•to enable : to make something possible
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How many friends do you consider to be “real friends”? What makes you say they were real?