Unit 25
Are midlife crises real?
Overseas Life/Daily Communication
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
In your opinion, are midlife crises real?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. midlife crisis (n.) 中年危機
How do adults deal with midlife crisis?
2. social construct (n.) 社會建構產物,社會建構概念
Get out of the social construct and be you!
3. stressorscalp (n.) 壓力來源,導致緊張的事件
I always feel the stressors when I am working.
4. premise (n.) (作為先決條件的)假定,前提
Do not leave the school premise!
5. constitute (v.) 構成
All the grief will constitute a shared joy.
6. last-ditch (adj.) 最後一招的,孤注一擲的
He made his last-ditch effort today.
7. youthfulness (adj.) 青春
Appreciate your youthfulness, while it still lasts.
8. privilege (n.) 特權;優特
Only a privileged few are able to attend the country’s elite schools.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hey Luna, how did car shopping with your dad go?

Well, he’s dead-set on buying a sleek little red sports car now. Midlife crisis much?
他現在堅定不移地想要買一輛豪華紅色小跑車。 這不就是中年危機的表現?

You know midlife crises are just a social construct right?

Oh, here we go again with “social construct this” and “postmodern that.“

I’m serious! Psychological research has pretty much all but rejected this as a concept.
我是認真的! 心理學研究基本上都否定了這一概念。

But don’t people at roughly the same age face the same stressors with the same outcomes?

Sure, but what the research challenges is the premise that these all constitute a shared experience.

So my dad’s last-ditch effort to regain his youthfulness isn’t universal?

People living in poverty or people of color face stress all their lives. Just starting to face it in your 50s is a sign of immense privilege.
窮人和有色人種一生都面臨著各種壓力。 在50多歲的時候才開始面對壓力其實象徵著極大的特權

I’ve never thought about it that way. So why is this concept so pervasive?
我從沒這樣想過。 那為什麼中年危機這個概念這麼流行呢?

I think for a lot of people it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Well I just hope that my dad’s newfound lust for life doesn’t persuade him to get a girlfriend to go along with his new ride!
Complaining with “this and that”
“This” and “that” are a pair of words that by now you are quite familiar with. Today we’d like to talk about a great use for both of these words: complaining!
This type of complaining is especially useful when your complaint is that another person always talks about the same things.
You can use the same word before “this” and “that.” For example, he’s always talking about “money this and money that.” But you can also change one of the words, like we see in today’s dialogue: “social construct this” and “postmodern that.”
1. I find his optimism exhausting. His books are all technology this and future that.
2. He’s always going on about fishing this or camping that.
3. I’m so bored with superhero movies. It’s always “aliens attack” this or “time travel” that.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How do you think midlife crises happens?