Unit 10
What is road rage?
Overseas Life/Daily Communication
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Have you hear of the word road rage? What do you think is it?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. perturbed (adj.) 心神不寧的,煩惱的
I am deeply perturbed today.
2. cut me off (phr.) 超車搶到我前面
That man tried to cut me off the lane!
3. flew off the handle (idi.) 大發雷霆,勃然大怒
He’s extremely irritable – he flies off the handle at the slightest thing.
4. prone to (phr.) 有… 傾向的,易受… 影響的
When you are angry, you are prone to have road accidents.
5. road rage (n.) 路怒症
I am starting to feel the road rage!
6. weaving (v.) 迂回行進,穿行
I like weaving silks.
7. overreacted (v.) 反應過度,反應過激
You overreacted. Please be calm.
8. impaired (adj.) 受損的
Your judgment is impaired when you’re too emotionally involved.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

What’s the matter Jim? You look perturbed.
Jim,你怎麼了? 看起來心神不寧的。

I just had a bit of an incident on the road. Some guy cut me off and I just flew off the handle.
剛才在路上出了點小事。 有個人突然搶道超車,我就失控發火了。

But you’re such a chill guy! I didn’t think you’d be prone to road rage.
你是個很冷靜的人啊! 我沒想到你會容易路怒。

I know, but this other guy was weaving across the lanes and I guess I just overreacted.

That’s not surprising. With road rage, you’re basically driving under the influence of impaired emotions.
這倒是不奇怪。 有路怒症的話,你基本就是在受損情緒的影響下開車。

But is there something about cars themselves that causes road rage, or is it something innate in us?

Well territoriality is innate. We feel ownership of the road, and when that is threatened it can trigger an intense response.
領地意識倒是天生的。 我們會感覺自己擁有這條路,而如果這一點受到威脅了就可能會引發很強烈的反應。

So are we forever doomed to take a back seat to our lizard brains?

No, there are lots of choices we can make to prevent getting road rage, like focusing on our own driving.

I guess I could have left earlier too. I might not have reacted the same way if I weren’t already running late.
我想我當時也本可以早點出發的。 如果不是要遲到了,我可能就不會反應過度了。

Little things can go a long way!
Idioms related to “the back seat”
Cars are a big part of North American life. As such, a lot of our idioms come from cars and driving.
When you’re “in the driver’s seat,” for example, you are in control. But as many people who are in the driver’s seat know, there is no shortage of people who want to challenge you for control.
As such, the term “backseat driver” refers to someone who tries to establish and maintain control over every situation.
Similarly, the phrase “A takes a backseat to B” means that A is less important than B, or is forced to take a lesser position than B.
1. I refuse to drive anywhere with my mother: She is such a backseat driver!
2. When John retires, he will leave his children in the driver’s seat at the company.
3. Environmental concerns usually take a backseat during periods of economic crisis.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.What do you think are the safety protocols that should be applied when you are driving?