Unit 09
Cosmetic Medicine
Overseas Life/Medical Health
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Have you tried using cosmetic medicines? How was your experience?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. botox (tm.) 肉毒桿菌素
Have you tried injecting botox?
2. double eyelid (phr.) 雙眼皮
I envy your double eyelids!
3. overkill (v.) 過分;誇張
That’s overkill; she dressed up like a princess for the party.
4. transplant (v.) 移植
I heard transplant surgeries are painful.
5. prerogative (n.) 特權;獨有的權利
Having a surgery is their prerogative.
6. body dysmorphia (n.) 身體畸形恐懼症
How do we solve body dysmorphia?
7. botch jobs (phr.) 搞砸的事情;拙劣的工作
Have you heard about botch jobs?
8. commonplace (adj.) 常見的;普遍的
The fashionable remarks of today often become the commonplace expressions of tomorrow.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hey, Carter. I’ve been thinking about getting some botox and doing double eyelid surgery.
嘿,Carter。 我在想我要不要去打點肉毒素,再做個雙眼皮手術。

Really? That seems overkill. Don’t you know that beauty comes from within?
真的嗎? 有點多此一舉吧。 你不知道美是源於內在的嗎?

You should talk. You’re always obsessing about your hair thinning. Maybe you could get a hair transplant.
你還說別人呢。 你總是特別在意自己脫髮。 沒準你可以去植個髮。

Hah, be nice. If people want to enhance their appearance, that’s their prerogative. But it won’t solve body dysmorphia.
哈,好好說話。 如果人們想要讓自己的外表更好看,這是他們的權利。 但這可解決不了身體畸形恐懼症。

Many surgeons require mental assessments to rule that out.

But what about botch jobs? Invasive procedures have complications
那如果做失敗了怎麼辦? 要開刀的手術會有併發症的。

Horror stories like that are extremely rare, especially in non-surgical procedures.

A Maybe I just don’t like that unnatural, plasticky look. It’s not aesthetically pleasing.
也許我就是不太喜歡那種整得不自然、有塑膠感的樣子吧。 並不好看。

Those people probably went to a sketchy clinic. Good clinics don’t come cheap.
那些人去的可能是不靠譜的診所吧。 好的診所可不便宜。

Speaking of cheap, don’t tons of Americans go to Mexico to go under the knife?

Yep, and South Korea is a booming medical tourism destination for Asia.

It’s certainly become commonplace. So, are you going to get mentally assessed then?
這確實已經很普遍了。 那你還要不要去做心理評估了?

Oh, umm… sure?
哦,呃…… 去吧?
You should talk.
In today’s lesson, Kathy sarcastically said, “You should talk.” Because it’s sarcasm, the meaning is actually “you shouldn’t talk.” In the dialogue, Carter has the same problem that he criticizes others about, so Kathy uses this expression to point out his double standard. It’s a common expression but should be used carefully, as sarcasm always has the possibility of being rude.
There are also a few variations:
1. You’re one to talk.
The following variations are in the negative form, and thus not sarcastic, but literal:
1. I wouldn’t talk.
2. You shouldn’t talk.
3. A: My roommate is so messy. B: You should talk. You never sweep the floor!
4. A: I think you should cut back on fatty foods. B: You‘re one to talk. You stuffed your face with that pizza last night.
5. A: I hate people who cut in line! B: You should talk. You always do!
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.How do you practice self-care? What are your grooming habits?