Unit 08
Book Series: Atomic Habits
New Knowledge/Reading Knowledge
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
What are your morning, afternoon and evening habits?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. critically acclaimed (phr.) 廣受好評的
His book is critically acclaimed.
2. sustainable (adj.) 可持續的,能長期維持的
Aim for sustainable goals everyday.
3. incremental (adj.) 遞增的,漸進的
Incremental changes are still okay!
4. compound (v.) 混合
Compound your small habits and appreciate it.
5. trajectory (n.) 軌道,軌跡
Can you see the trajectory of the comet?
6. boiled his advice down (phr.) 將他的建議歸納為
He boiled his advice down to 4 actionable steps.
7. actionable (adj.) 可執行的
Make sure that your plans are actionable.
8. reinforce (v.) 增援,加強;增加,補充
Newspapers like this tend to reinforce people’s prejudices.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

In order to make big changes, first you have to think small, says habit expert James Clear.
His critically acclaimed book, Atomic Habits, is a guide to developing a sustainable system that will put you on the path to success.
His core philosophy is that incremental changes compound over time and have massive effects.
Such being the case, he argues we should focus less on goals and more on the actual systems that will put us on the right trajectory.
He’s boiled his advice down to 4 actionable steps:
Step 1: Make it obvious. If you make habit cues more noticeable, it’ll be easier to prompt and maintain the habit.
Step 2: Make it attractive. Bundling new habits with actions we want to do can make new actions more enticing.
For step 3: Make it easy and step 4: Make it satisfying, we can reduce friction and use immediate rewards to reinforce behavior.
With these easy steps, Clear argues that anyone can adopt habits and achieve long-term success.
習慣研究專家James Clear說,想要做出大的改變,你必須先從細節處著眼。
第一步:讓提示顯而易見。 如果你能讓習慣的觸發信號更加明顯,那麼激發並保持這個習慣就會變得更容易。
第二步:讓習慣有吸引力。 將新的習慣與我們想做的事情捆綁在一起,這可以讓新的行為更能吸引你去執行。
第三步:讓行動輕而易舉。 第四步:讓自己獲得滿足。 我們可以減少阻礙,使用即時的獎勵來強化行為。
Such being the case
“Such being the case” is a formal phrase that means “since this is the case” or “under these circumstances.” Here “such” is a pronoun that refers to a previous statement.
In today‘s lesson, the speaker says, “Such being the case, he argues we should focus less on goals and more on the actual systems that will put us on the right trajectory.” Here “Such being the case” refers to Clear’s philosophy that incremental changes compound over time to have massive effects. And, since he believes this to be the case, he argues we should focus more on those systems that can help us make those incremental changes.
Often this phrase is used to express why a certain decision or action was made. For instance, “There was an overwhelming number of complaints about the product. Such being the case, they decided to suspend the project until they come up with a viable solution.”
Since this phrase is formal, it’s mostly used in writing or formal speeches.
1.He’s earned a reputation for being a reliable employee. Such being the case, the company often gives him more leeway than they would others.
2. Currently, you have several outstanding loans. Such being the case, we will be unable to approve you for a mortgage.
3. We were surrounded by the enemy on all sides. Such being the case, we had no choice but to surrender.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think good habits change your life eventually?