Unit 04
Book Series: Competing against luck

New Knowledge/Reading Knowledge


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

Do you think it is important to trust your luck when establishing a business / company?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. disruptive innovation (phr.) 顛覆性創新
Have you heard of the theory disruptive information?

2. predictive (v.) 預言性的,預測的;前瞻的
The weather is slowly becoming predictive.

3. sinks or floats (phr.) 成敗
In this world, your business sinks or floats.

4. contends (v.) 主張
The police contended that the difficulties they faced were too severe.

5. gaining traction (phr.) (產品等)變得流行
Gaining traction means a change in our plans.

6. reframing (v.) 重構
We should start reframing our goals.

7. pinpointing (n.) 準確指出,確定
Stop pinpointing my mistakes!

8. harness (v.) 利用
They will harness the sun’s energy to heat homes.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Two decades ago, Clayton Christensen revolutionized business with his theory of disruptive innovation.
20年前,Clayton Christensen提出的顛覆性創新理論為企業帶來了革命性變革。

Now he’s back with more insights on predictive growth in his best-selling book Competing against Luck.

All too often, companies think luck ultimately determines whether a product sinks or floats.

But in truth, he contends, gaining traction has more to do with reframing our approach to innovation.

His theory is that consumers hire a product to fulfill a job, and by pinpointing those jobs, we can understand the causal mechanisms behind customer behavior — the true driver of innovation.
書中提到,消費者購買商品,實則為”雇用”商品以完成自己需要完成的任務。 通過準確理解這些需要完成的任務,我們可以獲悉客戶行為背後的因果機制——即創新的真正驅動力。

He recommends 3 easy steps to help us harness this knowledge and transform our success:

1. Find a job that needs to be done. Dig deep and pinpoint the functional and emotional reasons behind hiring a product.

2. Document the journey. Analyze the situation and experience of the purchase to hone in on the friction.

3. Remove the obstacles and remedy the frustration. New innovations have to be “twice as good” to convince customers to switch.
1. 找到一項需要完成的任務。 深入挖掘並定位顧客購買行為背後的功能需求和情感訴求。
 2. 詳細記錄。 分析購買的背景和體驗,並專注打磨產品。
3. 清除障礙,消除挫折。 新的創新產品必須雙倍優勝才能說服客戶更換。


He contends

A parenthetical phrase is an explanatory phrase that is separated by commas. And, as a result, it can be removed from a sentence without changing the meaning. For instance, “The project, I assume, will be completed shortly.” Here “the project” is the subject, and “I assume” is a parenthetical phrase that can be removed.

Parenthetical phrases make the sentence tone more dramatic or impactful. Compare these two sentences:

The problem, I admit, is entirely my fault. (Dramatic)

I admit that this problem is entirely my fault. (Not dramatic.)

Likewise, in today‘s lesson, the speaker said, “But in truth, he contends, gaining traction has more to do with reframing our approach to innovation.“ Here, the parenthetical phrase ”he contends“ adds a dramatic touch, making the sentence more impactful to listeners.

1. The issue, I assume, will be dealt with promptly.

2. The hiccup, he elaborated, was due to a mechanical failure.

3. The victim, I gathered, was under extreme duress and unlikely to drop charges.


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.What are the qualities that you should have and preparations that you should do, to ensure that your business will sail smoothly?