Unit 03
Weak ties matter
New Knowledge/Self-Development
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
How do you describe your own network of people or your circle of professional friends?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. in the know (phr.) 知情,消息靈通
You seem like a guy who is in the know.
2. overlap (v.) 重合,重疊
There is an overlap of the party and my work.
3. travel in the same circles (phr.) 處在同一圈子
The culprits are caught yesterday evening.
4. closely knit (phr.) 系緊密;緊密相連
If a group of people are close-knit, they all help and support each other.
5. depriving (v.) 剝奪
Stop depriving yourself some sweets.
6. peripheral (adj.) 週邊的;次要的
I can see you in my peripheral vision.
7. tap into (v.) 使用… 以取得好結果;利用
Can I tap into your contacts?
8. hubs (n.) 中心;樞紐
Atlanta is the hub of Delta airlines.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Jim, you strike me as a guy who’s always in the know. Where do you get your information?

Well I depend a lot on my network of weak ties, which is a fancy way of saying my “acquaintances.”

That sounds exhausting. I’m spent just making sure my friends and family are
聽起來好心累啊。 能保證與家人、朋友相處愉快就已經很耗費精力了。

It’s not always easy, but when we limit our networks to only our strong ties, we’re leaving a lot of potential value on the table.

I guess there is a lot of information overlap among my friends and family since we all travel in the same circles.

Right, if your network is too closely knit, you could be depriving yourself of valuable information coming from peripheral networks.

Like job opportunities or a potential career change, right? So any tips on how I can develop more weak ties?
像工作機遇或者未來職業轉型,對嗎? 那你建議怎麼發展更多的弱關係呢?

Well, I found that joining business groups and attending conferences really helped me to tap into other network hubs.

I suppose if anything, it’s a good way to broaden my horizons.
on the table
Did you know that tables are useful? It‘s true! Not only in life, but also in language. While the idea of the table can refer to many different things, in English when we say “something is on the table,” we mean that something “is available to take or use.”
Perhaps it could be a job offer that is on the table. Perhaps it’s a good offer. Perhaps it’s a bad one. We can see that in today’s lesson when Jim tells Judy that ignoring weak ties can lead us to leave a lot of potential value on the table. In other words, he’s saying that ignoring weak ties means that we are not making use of this valuable thing.
Basically, the three verbs we use with this idea of table are “put,” “take,” and “leave.” However, we can also say, “it’s still on the table” when we talk about valuable things like job offers.
1.I know you don’t feel entitled to the benefits, but you shouldn’t just leave them on the table.
2.Giving me that promotion was never really on the table, was it?
3.Well should you ever decide to give it another thought, the offer is still on the table.
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think is it important to have a network of professional people?