end of year performance evaluation

Unit 30
End of year performance evaluation

Workplace English/Career Development


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

What do you think is the importance of a performance evaluation?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. performance evaluation (phr.) 績效評估
You have a good performance evaluation results.

2. target achievement (phr.) 目標達成
The target achievement is achieved. Congrats!

3. leading the pack (phr.) 超過
Apple is definitely leading the pack in terms of profits these days.

4. relatively (adv.) 排在前列
She walks relatively fast for a child of three.

5. proactive (adj.) 積極主動
The government is taking proactive measures against terrorism.

6. focal point (n.) 積極主動的
Georgia has been a focal point in this case.

7. project management (phr.) 專案管理
I will leave the project management to you.

8. daunting (adj.) 艱巨的
Are you sure you’ll be able to take up on this daunting task?


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Thanks for coming in Eric. So start your performance evaluation, I’d like to start with your target achievement.
謝謝你能來Eric。 讓我們開始績效評估吧。 我想從你的目標達成開始談。

Sure. As you know, I easily surpassed my sales goals for the year. I did the math and I attained 153% of my original goals.
好的。 如你所知,我輕鬆地超過了今年的銷售目標。 我計算了一下發現我實際完成了原目標的153%。

Really fantastic work, you’re easily leading the pack with those numbers. For this next year, I’d like to see you focus on building your portfolio of clients. Your fantastic numbers are based on a relatively few number of clients, and I think if you were to be more proactive with some of the leads that come in, your numbers could be even more fantastic.
你工作很出色,這樣的業績是團隊前列的。 接下來的一年,我想看到你專注於建立你的客戶業務群。 你出色的數位表現是基於一個相對較少的客戶基數的,我認為如果你能更積極主動一些地跟潛在客戶接觸,你的績效會更加優異。

Definitely, I’ll make that a focal point for my work this next year.
確實。 接下去的一年我會把那作為我工作的重點的。

One of the areas of focus we agreed upon last year for this year was project management skills. In June, I let you take the lead with creating our proposal for that Chinese telecom account. How do you think  that went?
去年我們對今年定下的一個重心是專案管理技能。 在六月份我讓你帶領團隊為那個中國電信客戶提案。 你覺得那次自己的表現如何?

It was definitely a bit daunting, but I feel I rose to the challenge and grew a lot through the experience. It’s unfortunate that our proposal wasn’t chosen, but I think we put our best foot forward in conceiving it.
那工作確實有些挑戰,但是我覺得我戰勝了挑戰在經驗中成長了許多。 雖然很可惜我們的提案沒被選上,但是我認為我們做盡了全力去構思那個案子。

I agree. I was very impressed with the way you managed the team and tackled the task. I think one area for growth in the future is to ensure that quieter voices on the team are heard.
我同意。 我覺得你管理團隊和積極應對挑戰做得很出色。 不過我覺得你以後進步的一個方面是要確保團隊中比較低調的人也不會被埋沒。

I’ll make sure to be more inclusive next time.

What have you been thinking in terms of your career development?

As you know, I’m really committed to this company and its mission. I’ve been in a mid-level position for a little bit now and still have some room for growth in my current role, but am generally looking towards upper management positions.
你知道的,我對這家公司和工作都十分忠心。 現在我在中層已經有段時間了,在目前的職位上還有一定的發展空間,但是我還是期望能進入更高的管理層。

I think that would be a very appropriate path for you given your competencies and hard-working nature. As you said, there’s still some room for growth for you in what you’re doing now, but let’s continue working developing your skill set with that sort of advancement in mind.
我覺得鑒於你的能力和辛勤,那對你是條合適的路。 就像你說的,你在現在的職位上還有一些發展空間。 希望你繼續提升自己的能力,並且把晉升到高管層作為目標。


“ensure vs. insure”(“確保”和“保險”)

“Ensure” and “insure” are two very similar words slightly different things. “To ensure” means to make certain that something is the case. “To insure” means to arrange for compensation in the event of damage to or loss of (property), or injury to or the death of (someone), in exchange for regular advance payments to a company or government agency. The word “insurance” obviously comes from this second definition. When spoken, the words “ensure” and “insure” have nearly identical pronunciation, so pay close attention to their usage to understand which is being employed.

1. Please ensure that you insured the house like I asked you to.

2. The insurance plan ensured the family that they were financially safe.

3. They ensured that the car was insured before letting their 16 year old try driving it.


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.What do you think comes after a performance evaluation? What happens?