Unit 29
The W9 form
Workplace English/Workplace communication
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Have you ever heard of a W9 form? What do you think it is?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. singing your praises (phr.) 誇讚你
Your employer will be singing your praises!
2. in a pinch (idi.) 在危急關頭
Help us out! We are in a pinch right now.
3. referral (n.) 推薦
May I ask who is your referral?
4. preface (n.) 開篇講…
I think I should preface this offer by saying we are still open to negotiation.
5. verify (v.) 核實
It was easy to verify his statements.
6. liable (a.) 有義務
The shipping company will be liable for damage.
7. new territory (phr.) 新領域
We are excited to acquire a new territory.
8. clarification (n.) 說明;澄清
Thanks for the clarification; I think I understand now.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Hi Mark, it’s Grace from TQBuy.

Oh, hi Grace. I was just talking about you! I was just singing your praises to a client, and told them how much you helped us in a pinch on that last order!
噢,你好,Grace。 我正說到你呢! 我剛才在客戶面前誇你,說你在上一次訂購的緊要關頭幫了我們大忙。

Great! Thanks for the referral!
真好! 謝謝你推薦我們!

My pleasure! What’s up?
不客氣! 有什麼事情嗎?

Well, I’ll preface this by saying I’m a little embarrassed to even ask, but I got your email request for a W9 form. In all honesty, I don’t know what exactly that is!

Ah… no problem! It’s just an IRS form so we can send you a 1099.
啊… 沒關係! 那就是一個IRS表格,你給我那個后我就能發給你1099表格了。

Um… no clue what a 1099 is either! You’re our first major US client, so this is new territory for me!
呃…… 我也不知道1099表格是什麼! 你是我們在美國的第一個大客戶,所以這對我來說是個全新的領域!

Ha! Sorry, let me back-up. The IRS – or, the Internal Revenue Service – is the US governmental agency for taxes. We have to tell the IRS who we’ve paid as service providers every year so they can verify your income for US tax purposes. A W9 form is basically the information form you send us with an EIN… your Employer Identification Number – so that we can send a 1099 form, which reports how much we paid you this year.
哈! 對不起, 讓我解釋一下。 IRS,或者叫美國國稅局,是美國政府管稅務的部門。 每年我們都得告知IRS我們向哪家服務供應商付了款,所以他們就能查證你的收入里有多少該向美國政府繳稅。 簡單來說W9表就是你們寄給我們的一份帶有EIN的表格,EIN就是你的僱主身份號碼。 然後我們就能遞給你1099表格,上面會表明今年我們向你支付了多少錢。

Wow, ok. But since our office is in China, are we liable for taxes in the US?
噢, 好的。 但是我們的公司在中國,我們有義務向美國政府繳稅嗎?

Well, I’m no tax guru, but TQBuy has a US office as well, right?

Yes, they mainly handle needs for our clients in China though.
是的, 但他們主要是處理中國客戶的需求。

Ok, well, that makes it a little easier. Since it’s still a TQBuy office, it means they should have an EIN already. Use that to fill out the W9, and then we can send the 1099 to them.
好的,那就簡單一些了。 因為那畢竟是TQBuy的辦公室,所以他們應該已經有EIN了。 用那個號碼來填W9表格,然後我們發給你1099表格。

So the 1099 reports your payments to us, and we’ll need that for tax purposes in the

Right. I don’t know your set-up, but it may actually be easier for you to do billing through the US side in the future. Taxes are never fun, but Uncle Sam has his hand in everyone’s pocket, whether or not you’re overseas.
對的。 我不知道你們的安排,但以後你們在美國這邊收款可能簡單一些。 稅總是很煩人的,但是山姆大叔誰的稅都要收,不管你是不是在海外。

Ok, thanks for the clarification. I’d better get in touch with the stateside office ASAP! I’ll be in touch shortly!
好吧,謝謝你的說明。 看來我最好趕快聯繫美國那邊的辦公室! 過會兒再聯繫你!
Pronunciation of Names with Numbers(數字名詞的念法)
Although there is not a specific grammar rule for pronouncing names with numbers, it can generally be assumed that numbers in commonly used names will be stated as shortly as possible with the least number of syllables. This may include saying the name of the number in individual digits, or combinations of numbers. Some commonly used names with numbers in them are spoken differently, depending on speaker preference or what feels easiest to say quickly to an individual.
Names that can be spoken differently:
1. Boeing 747: Boeing Seven-forty-seven (or seven-four-seven)
2. Flight 451: Flight Four Five One (or four fifty one)
Names that are only heard with shortened pronunciation one way:
5. Form 1099: Ten ninety-nine (vs. one-zero-nine-nine)
6. English 101: English One-oh-one (vs. one-hundred and one)
7. Beverly Hills 90210: Beverly Hills Nine-Oh-Two-One-Oh (vs. ninety-twenty one-zero)
8. Class of 1998: Class of Nineteen Eighty-Eight (vs. one-nine-eight-eight)
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think is it important to fill up a W9 form correctly?