Unit 19
Market entry strategy

Workplace English/Communication in Workplace


Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.

What marketing strategy are you familiar with?


Repeat  these  sentences  after  your  teacher.

1. Market entry strategy (phr.) 市場進入策略方案
What will be our market entry strategy?

2. marketing mix (phr.) 市場行銷組合
Consider the export marketing mix elements.

3. target market (phr.) 目標市場
What will be our target market?

4. growth potential  (n.) 增長潛力
Our growth potential will be achieved!

5. controllable variable (phr.) 可控變數
The first controllable variable is the product.

6. adjust (v.) 調整
We should adjust our prices.

7. consulting firm (n). 諮詢公司
Do you know a consulting firm?

8. avenue (n.) 途徑
They explored every avenue but could not find a solution.


Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Ted, show me what ideas you have about the market entry strategy for a new international market.

If we want to go international, we should consider the export marketing mix elements.

Ok, but first, tell me what you think our target market should be.

I see strong growth potential in Latin America. Our brand has grown quite popular among the Hispanic community in the US, so why not try expanding into Latin America? Many Latin Americans who travel to the US are already aware of our name and products.
我覺得拉丁美洲市場有很強的潛在增長勢頭。 我們的品牌在美國的西班牙裔社區很受歡迎,所以為什麼不擴展到拉丁美呢? 許多到美國來旅遊的拉丁美洲人都已經知道我們的名字和產品了。

Ok, now let’s talk about the marketing mix elements. The first controllable variable we should consider is the product.
好吧,現在我們來談談市場行銷組合元素。 我們應該考慮的第一個可控變數是產品本身。

We’ll need to do some extensive research on how to improve our product or adjust it for this target market. We may find that Latin Americans have different taste preferences; if so, we’ll need to develop a product with different ingredients.

Also, we may have to change the name of some of our menu items. Some people may have trouble pronouncing them — that won’t help us sell burgers!
我們需要廣泛研究一下怎麼提升我們的產品或是將我們的產品調整得更適合目標市場。 我們可能會發現拉丁美洲人的口味不一樣,如果真是這樣,我們需要發展出不同食材的產品。

而且,我們還得把有些功能表上的名字改了。 有些人可能讀不來,對我們賣漢堡也沒好處!

What about the price?

We need to do research on what our competitors charge for their product. I’ve
already created a chart of what our top competitors charged for burgers last year.
我們需要研究一下我們的競爭對手的定價。 我已經建立了一張圖表,顯示了去年我們最強勁的競爭對手的定價。

So, what can we do about promoting our product?

We can work with a consulting firm that specializes in bringing foreign companies to Latin America. I will start looking for firms that assist companies in the food and beverage industry.
我們可以和帶外資引進拉丁美洲市場的諮詢公司合作。 我會開始尋找協助食品及飲品行業的公司。

Ok, lastly, let’s talk about suppliers. How are we going to get our ingredients?
好的,最後我們來談談供應商。 我們怎麼獲取我們的食材?

We have a few options. We could have our ingredients shipped from the US to Latin America. That would probably be the most expensive avenue.

Let’s scratch that idea. We should use ingredients that are locally produced. I don’t want costs to go up because we are using imported products.
那就不要這個方法。 我們可以選用當地的食材。 我不想因為使用進口商品而增加成本。

Well, the other option is we could sign a contract with a local supplier. That would probably be the best option.


Usage of If so(如果這樣的话)

We use if so when we are talking about something that’s a possibility. It means if that is the case. To express something clearly “if so” should be used to connect two sentences. Here’s the example from the dialogue:
“We may find that Latin Americans have different preferences; if so, we’ll need to develop a product with different ingredients.”

1.  Are you coming to the conference? If so, let me know.

2.  Are you coming to the potluck? If so, bring something to eat.

3.  They might be out-of-stock, if so, we’ll need to order them online.


Make a conversation with your teacher.

1.Why do you a market entry strategy is important?