Unit 18
360-degree feedback
Workplace English/Communication Skills
Share your ideas with your teacher and try to make sentences.
Recall a time where you have given a feedback. What did you say?
Repeat these sentences after your teacher.
1. 360-degree feedback (phr.) 360度全面反饋
360-degree feedback is essential for us.
2. implementing (n.) 實施
We are implementing new rules to follow.
3. interpersonal skills (n.) 人際交往能力
He needs to work on his interpersonal skills.
4. abundant (adj.) 豐富的
The market has an abundant amount of customers.
5. candid (adj.) 坦率的
Don’t be too candid with him.
6. constructive (adj.) 建設性的
Learn to accept constructive criticisms.
7. anonymous (adj.) 匿名的
They want to give anonymous feedbacks.
8. compose (v.) 由..組成
He composed folders of all the work he’s done in the past 8 years.
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Good morning Mr. Gibbons! Thanks again for meeting with me this morning.
早上好,Gibbons先生! 再次感謝您今早來見我。

No problem, Stacey. So what is this 360-degree feedback review you wanted to talk about?
沒事的,Stacey。 那麼你想和我談的360度全面反饋評價是什麼?

Well, in our last meeting you expressed interest in implementing a system of review where the employee would gain valuable feedback that would help him or her develop business and interpersonal skills. I’ve done my research and found that the 360-degree system does just that.
嗯,我們上次見面的時候你表示說安裝一套可以給員工有價值的反饋的評價系統可以幫助他們發展事業並提升人際交往能力。 我做了些調查,發現360度全面反饋系統正是這樣的。

I haven’t heard of this system before. Tell me more about it.
我從來沒聽說過這個系統。 你給我講講看。

The manager isn‘t the only one involved in evaluating the employee; peers and customers do it as well. Because it’s not just one person evaluating the employee, the employee is getting abundant feedback that can be candid, constructive and help the employee realize what they need to improve on.
經理不是唯一一個參與到員工評價中的人,同事和客戶也可以評價。 因為不是一個人考核員工,所以員工得到的是全面直白的反饋,建設性地幫助員工意識到自己有什麼需要改進的地方。

What are everyone’s roles and responsibilities?

The 360-degree feedback system needs an administrator, reviewers, the manager and the employee or subject. The administrator can be me, or someone else in HR and the reviewers can be the employee’s co-workers or some clients, that he or she has dealt with in the past. It’ll all be anonymous, so the employee won’t know whom the feedback is from.
360度全面反饋系統需要一個管理員,一些評價者,經理及員工或評估物件。 管理員可以是我,或是人事部的人,評價者可以是員工的同事或是一些客戶,所以員工不會知道具體是誰給出的反饋。


Before we start using this feedback system, we should make sure that all those participating are aware of what we are doing, ready for it and willing to take part.

How should we make certain everyone is ready to cooperate with this new feedback system?

We should have a few workshops explaining what the 360-degree feedback system is and how it’ll be useful for them as opposed to conventional methods of performance evaluation.

We can even have those involved in leadership and manager roles undergo the 360 reviews first. It’ll be good to show an example of what to do during these reviews from the top; we’ll build a positive culture of feedback.
我們甚至可以讓領導和經理級的人先試一試。 從上至下開始評價是個很好的示範;我們將會建立一個積極的反饋文化。

Ok, one more thing, can you tell me about the process of the 360 review?

The first step is to meet the subject. Ensure they understand how everything is going to work and determine what their expectations are. The second step is to talk to the subject’s manager. Figure out if the manager’s goals and expectations are aligned with the subject’s; if they aren’t, this may not be the best feedback method.
第一步是和評估物件見面,確保他們知道事情是怎麼運作的,以及確定他們的預期。 第二步是和評估對象的經理談談,看看經理的目標及預期和評估物件的是否一致。 如果不一致的話,可能這不是最好的反饋方法。

Also, we’ll ask the manager to compose a list of co-workers the subject has known for a few years. These people could be the reviewers. The third step is to send out the review. We can either do a one-on-one interview or send out a survey via email to the reviewers. The fourth step is to review all the feedback and compile a report. And the final step is to deliver the results.
而且,我們會讓經理做一份評估對象認識了幾年的同事名單。 第三步是將評價內容發出去。 我們可以做一對一面談或是將調查問卷通過郵件發給評價者。 第四步是查看所有反饋並生成報告。 最後一步是將評價結果發送出去。
Whom vs. Who( 誰:who與賓格whom)
Who can only be used when it is the subject of a sentence. It‘s more common to use who than whom. Here’s an example: Who is he?
Who can only be used when it is the subject of a sentence. It‘s more common to use who than whom. Here’s an example: Who is he?
1. With whom did you go to the movie theater?
2. Who is the last person?
3. To whom do I owe the honors?
Make a conversation with your teacher.
1.Why do you think feedback is important?